Hi ladies!! Hope everyone is well. I have my first gynae appointment on Tuesday and I don’t know what to expect. What notes should I make? What should I expect the outcome to be? How fast will things move after this? I’ve been waiting for this appointment for far too long so I want to be prepared. I’d be very grateful to hear other ladies experiences of their gynae appointments (if you feel comfortable sharing of course) TIA xxx
What to expect at first gynae appointment? - Endometriosis UK
What to expect at first gynae appointment?

Hey Joniblue, is the gynecologist you're seeing a general gyne? Honestly it can be different depending on who you see and what stage endo you possibly have! I've heard many people say their first appointments (usually with a general gyne) are awful, sadly I'm included in that. But I've also seen some people say they've had great experiences! So it can really be 50/50, I'm crossing my fingers it is positive for you!
Few things I used for my appointment (not that the gyne was interested, my specialist was though so these are useful when you have a good consultant).
•List of symptoms and any medication you take currently, things you've tried in the past and if they were effective etc. Anything at all, even hot water bottles. Write it all down so they know what you've tried and don't try get you on something you've already done!
•Pain/symptom diary. This can help show the consultant not just what your symptoms are but how severe, when they happen and how long for. I actually use use app for this called Glow and then print my charts out, has a really handy colour code so you can see how your pain changes with your cycle. But a written diary is just as good! Don't leave any symptoms out, even silly things like indigestion or not sleeping well can help build the picture.
•Any questions you have, so like you said in your question, what's the next step? What do they want to do? Is there anything you want them to do for you? Any advice you need? Any worries or concerns, write them down so you can discuss them.
•Any other information they may need to know, things like hospital visits, family history of endo or bad periods, miscarriage etc. Any conditions that they've safely ruled out through other tests, so they know the GP has been thorough, mine tried to suggest the GP didn't bother looking at other conditions first 🙄 I whipped out my list of scans and tests and he didn't have a leg to stand on then 😉
Most of all, don't stress. This is your hour, make sure you feel heard and give them all the info you want to tell them. If you're not listened to please don't be discouraged! I was told by mine that they wouldn't do a thing for me, saw a proper specialist 4 weeks later and he wants to do a lap as soon as possible. So never think that because one doctor ignored you that they all will. And we are all here for support if you need a chat after Tuesday, sending lots of love. Apologies for the essay. Hope it all helps! xxx
I can’t tell you how helpful that is. Thankyou so much. I’ve written up my notes today based on your advice and I’m now feeling much more confident about the whole thing. Also, I’m assuming the gynaecologist is a general gynaecologist? But tbh the communication has been pretty shoddy and this appointment has already been cancelled once so I’m not really sure who I’ll be seeing. Sounds like we’ve have similar experiences with not being taken seriously by doctors so I wish you the very best. I’ll keep everyone updated but feel free to message me if you ever need a chat! All the best x x x
You're very welcome it's hard enough coping with the appointments so if I can ever make things slightly easier for someone I like to try 🙂 if you want to know if your gyne will be a specialist you could do a little Google search of the hospital you've been referred to
that's what I did, I found out the top consultant there who is in charge of gynecology only has a "special interest" in endo 🙄 so wasn't confident in their ability to help me even before my appointment lol and my concerns were proven correct when I spoke to the registrar at my appointment and he said none of my symptoms are to do with endo, that endo doesn't cause back pain or blood in the urine during a period and I just go online too much. So yeah, definitely do a Google of the gynecology department you've been referred to, and get looking for a proper specialist close to you so you have a back up plan. 4 weeks later I saw an actual endo specialist and he wants to do a lap, best thing I did