Hi ladies hope your all well. Iv been referred to urology for constant blood in my urine I just want to know what to expect from my first appointment please? I'm starting to get anxious it's in a couple of weeks. Thanks in advance for any replies.
What to expect at first urology appointme... - Endometriosis UK
What to expect at first urology appointment please?????
They may ask you for a urine sample at the appointment and take bloods. If they need you to have a full bladder etc they will tell you prior to your appointment.
Don't worry, remember to write down all the symptoms and questions.
OK thanks my letter says morning urine sample. Will they do any major tests other than bloods or would they reschedule for that?
All they did in my first appointment is test my urine and booked me in for Cystoscopy. Turns out I havd IC as well endo hence the blood in my urine. I'm undergoing bladder instillations weekly at the mo.
What are your symptoms? I have constant blood in urine and lower back pain all the time past couple days it's moved to my bum aswel as back. If I drink what I'm supposed to I have to go to loo every 15 mins have aches in pelvis around my c section scar pain bloating? loads of other painful symptoms too but I think there for the gynae.
Frequent peeing, pain with peeing, blood in urine, leaking, a urgency to go all the time. Feels like pressure on my bladder all the time. When I had my cystoscopy, I had a lump of inflammation as well as lesions. I've got constant pelvic, lower back, thigh, bum and hip pain from Endo. Both can cause similar pain so it's hard to differentiate between the two.
I don't have pain when weeing but have a pull and ache after weeing does that sound familiar? I don't have no infection. Also pressure on the bladder feels like my bowel presses on my bladder and visa versa when full very uncomfortable and feels like something embarrassing may happen. I get the leaking too

It does ache after peeing but it's like an intense pressure on your bladder. Pulling, I usually associate with my endo pain. I also liken the pressure to when I was pregnant and the baby was pressing down on the bladder. The leakage is the worse, I wear panty liners but as a cautionary don't hold your pee, as accidents do happen. Have you had the appointment as yet? I literally saw the consultant and was booked in for the cystoscopy. Only way to tell if you have IC. I hope this helps you. Please let me know if I can help you in any way x