I've had three Laps, injections and the pill. My symptoms were bad but I was getting by, but that was before I had IVF four years ago. It didn't work and two weeks after my period came the pain, much worse than before and the only thing that helped was a hot bath or a hot water bottle.
It was only early last year that I managed to get referred again, despite going to the GP and asking to be I was told it couldn't be the Endo as I had a Lap just before the IVF! I was never offered any pain relief, I asked but didn't push it as I felt proud of myself for managing the pain on over the counter meds.
I was given the injections last year, then went onto the pill and all settled down until September when I had a urine infection. This lasted for months regardless of the antibiotics I was given, and although the pain when urinating has gone I'm still getting the feeling of needing to wee even though I've only just been. Until I came on here I never knew that this could also be a symptom.
OK so after this very long winded rant, I will get to the point of my question. I went to the GP last week and was finally given Mefenamic Acid, which has worked, been pain free since last Saturday. Problem is since I've been taking it I have had an unbelievable upset stomach, called GP for advice and was told to either stop taking it or basically put up with it, and to go see him after bank holiday. Things have gotten worse since I spoke to him and I'm going to stop taking them, but it has taken me so long to get any pain relief that I honestly don't know what to do now. I stopped the pill in December on GP's advice as the pain started again, even with the pill,what other options are there for pain relief? I'm having another lap soon but need something to keep me going until then.
Sorry for the really long question! But any advice would be very much appreciated xx