Im getting my second laparoscapy in three weeks and I was just wondering if anyone had ever had one where nothing has been found? What happens next if this is the case?
Im getting my second laparoscapy in three... - Endometriosis UK
Im getting my second laparoscapy in three weeks and I was just wondering if anyone had ever had one where nothing has been found?

Hello, I had my 2nd lap in nov 12 I was told in 2007 I had endo and lesions on one of my tubes thats y am not getting pregnant but in nov I had my inside unstuck but was told I had no endo and my tubes and everything r fine, I've just bin left hanging nothing more thay can do just take pain killers when am on that's it ,
They found endo at my first my op, but the second op they just found adhesions everywhere. Remember even if endo is not seen and they find adhesions, that the adhesions are just as painful and disruptive as endo.
I was also told at my last op that the pill may have made my endo hide. I don't know how accurate that is!
I am still being managed by my consultant and in fact 6 months on from my op I'm on the list for another one. So hopefully if that did happen they will still monitor you.
Thank you to snowbell and jen for both your answers. I am absolutely petrified about going for this second lap. It took me four months to be able to walk again standing up right properly after the last one, just over 2 years ago. This has stopped me from working and having a life, at 24 years old i am stuck in most days in pain.
I had exactly the same happen to me, found endo in my first lap then only adhesions in my second. What I don't understand is how the hell do they know if the endo produces the adhesions then surely the endo would be under them?? They're never gonna see that even on a lap. They're still treating me like I have endo although they have suggested adeno now too as the treatment for endo made me pain free. I am stuck in most days due to pain and am slowly learning to live with that and another health problem which causes chronic pain. "Normal" people just don't understand what it's like. Just cooking dinner leaves me in agony all evening....*sigh* At least we all have each other to talk to about it otherwise I think I'd be in the nut house by now, hugs hun, hope the lap goes well xxx
Hi, the eastrogen in the pill shrinks the endo, aka as hiding it but doesn't make it go away. If they find nothing which I doubt if your in pain, then you ask them what they will do next, if they say nothing then you tell them the amount of pain your in etc and ask them if they'd be happy! Awww good luck luv so sorry to hear about the pain, I'm the same, had odd gaps where pain has gone on the pill etc, I'm 46 had full hysterectomy & endo is now on my bladder!!!