Have any of you ladies suffering from end... - Endometriosis UK

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Have any of you ladies suffering from endometriosis have localized pain? Mine is limited to one area.

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I never can find an answer to this question and I am searching the internet like crazy.

Does endometrial pain can be localized and have sudden beginning?

Mine started suddenly, it is lower right abdomen near bladder location slightly down and to the middle. It started suddenly with nausea and sharp, stabbing, hot sensation then it started to radiate to my inner thigh and groin and my lower back.

I had some generalized cramps in my lower abdomen, just after I have stopped the pill in September 2012 but the sudden onset of pain appeared on the 23rd of December 2012, lasted for few days, then stopped and then started again and until now is constant.

Could that be endometriosis ? or is it my fibroid playing up ( it was detected on mRI scan in October 2012, it is on my right side, it is pedinculated - on the stock) or maybe I developed some ovarian cyst/s which ruptured in December??

I struggle to find gynaecologist and I cannot get referral from my Gp for another MRI scan. I tried ultrasound scans after the acute attack but my ovaries are not visible. It is scary as the pain is there and is getting worse but I do not know what is causing it :(

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jojo777 profile image

Hi there

It could be many things as you mentioned, but it could be easily endo too.

I had deep infiltrating endo in my right uterosacral ligament and I had the pain exactly where you described it.

It started one day, left me for a few and then it was back and constant, going from moderate to severe depending on which day I was in my period circle.

First 2 months I couldnt get what was going wrong (didnt think relating it to my period) and I was fobbed off from doctors saying to me it might be appendix (they took it out!) or IBS.

Finally I was referred to an endo gynae and endo was found. (no fibroids or cysts though)

Only a laparoscopy will give you a certain answer to your problem on whats going on in the area, put pressure to get referral to an endo gynae and if you want to get to the bottom of this, then insist for a lap.

Jo xx

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