I had a laparoscopy and hysteroscopy done last Wednesday for the removal of endometriosis. I was told after the operation that they found and removed significant amount of endo which was mainly in my Pouch of Douglas. The Doctor told me he got rid them all and everything went well. I was looking forward to being free from all the pain but this has not been the case.
Recovery has been very slow and rough for me. Since the surgery Im still struggling with symptoms of pain in my pelvic area (cramp like or sometimes stabbing pain) and shooting pain up the rectum. It feels like the rectum pain is getting worse and it aches and hurts even though I'm not on my menstrual cycle. I get tired very easily and can't walk more than 10minutes without getting dizzy. I'm suffering from nausea as well which comes in waves. Are these symptoms normal or usual? I'm starting to wonder if itll ever go away which is giving me anxiety and stress.
I'm reaching out to anyone whose had similar experiences as I don't have anyone around me who suffers with endo that would understand me. Please help you are can relate or provide any advise.