Hello lovely people,
I am updating as I am beginning to get a better understanding of how to manage my pain.
Before I used to wait until I "needed" a painkiller and then take feminax but now I have learned a few things
1) Naproxen own brand is cheaper
2) you have to take it as soon as you feel any pain for it to be the most effective
OK so far so good...
This month I got caught out at work and could not take my pain meds until I was already in pain... I stayed at work and got all my meetings done but I know I could not concentrate and was open about this with my colleagues...
some were understanding, some just looked like they couldn't give a stuff... but it takes all kinds really doesn't it... anyway I am determined to be transparent about it as managing my pain is a learning curve for me and it ensures people are aware that if I am acting differently/distracted that it is temporary (and not infectious lol).
but as I was in pain I spoke to someone who knew about pharmacology/chemistry and this person pointed out that naproxen is good but it is an anti inflammatory medication and maybe an analgesic ontop would tackle the issue from both ends (inflammation and pain)
I have decided that in future I will take
day 1:
2 naproxen followed by 2 paracetamol as soon as pain starts!!!!!
then 1 naproxen and 2 paracetamol
if there is time have another naproxen before bed or just paracetamol
day 2:
am) 1 naproxen 1 paracetamol
pm) 1 naproxen 1 paracetamol
you can have a third dose if needed
day 3:
only paracetamol
This will be my plan
Thing is I am a little scared.. I am better at pain meds than I used to be so its hard to be sure but I think the pain is getting worse again. My endo was mild when the doctor did the surgery earlier this year so I am hoping I am a "mild endo-high pain" girl
Id rather that than imagine that it is getting growth-worse this quickly.
Thinking about the pain I used to have... it was worse before but I was not medicating myself properly at all... i'd wait until I was almost being sick and my thy's and knees hurt before taking painkillers... I have always been against masking pain but since there is no sure I kind of need to get over that really....
I guess I will be consistent with the pain relief and see if the pain seeps through my meds after a while.... then I will know it is getting worse....
I think if I take meds for the first 2 days without waiting for the pain to develop then I could even achieve a pain free period (very wishful thinking)
I am planning on trying my early intervention technique this coming month so ill see you guys in .. 22 days (I am currently on day 2.. my cycle is annoyingly short)