I get pain in my lowerback left side lower back and pain round the middle like a band lower abdomen most days when i wake up and for a few hrs after.. pelvoc pain and hips hurt( god i sound about 90!!) im only 38... it does hurt more slightly when i ovulate.
I have had bloating as well and worried about ovarian cancer.. had 2 internal scans and shows major scarring and my bowl is attached to scar tissue as well as one my ovaries attached to my uterous?
So was told last time i went to my local walk in clinic its scar tissue and not much can be done.. but its getting me down and i have 2 young kids to take care of and my hubby! and dont want to live on diclofenic every day... so im going to ask to be transferd to a gyna and ask for a lap.. what do you girls think?? any advice would be great