Trust your instincts.: Hi everyone, Ive... - Endometriosis UK

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Trust your instincts.

4 Replies

Hi everyone, Ive been suffering for years. So finally went to docs 2/3 years ago. I went to see my gynae, who gave me lots of tests etc. He wasnt sure what the matter was apart from some small cysts and fibroids. He said that shouldnt cause the amount of pain i was in.I was on morphine and loads of other pain meds. I had all the classic symptoms of endo, he said i didnt have endo. During one appointment he asked me" Well what do you want me to do for you".........

Anyway he put me on the monthly Decapeptyl jabs. Nothing changed, he was very adament i didnt have endo... Anyway, luckily for me he retired :) I saw a new gynae, i insisted on a hysterectomy as i was suffering so much. Guess what they found during my guessed it Endometriosis in lots of places.

We know our own bodies,i just knew i had endo. We shouldnt have to put up with bad gynaes. Lucky for me my second gynae was a star. xx

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4 Replies
worth71 profile image

i've been suffering quite a few years, as time goes on the pain gets worse, more intense, more often etc etc - i finally went to my gp march 2011, have had various scans, mri, hysteroscopy, biopsies, mirena coil, that is now being removed after a year and i'm having endometrial ablation, but they've said it won't help with the pain, and it might help with the bleeding to which i am thinking positive on - some days you just get fed up with these docs making you feel like you're going mad, and that you can't really be in that much pain - i would just love them to walk in our shoes for 24 hours and then answer that question themselves, they have no idea how it is to try and live a life and carry on working when you are almost constantly in pain, and that you feel you cannot plan anything 'just incase'

how did you insist on a hysterectomy, had you had a lap before to diagnose or was it just suspected - i've always been against hysterectomy unless absolutely neccessary but just lately i've become so fed up i think if they suggested it i'd probably bite their hand off, but then its not always the answer for endo is it, you can still have endo pain even after a hysterectomy.

but yes you are so right, it really is pot luck with doctors/consultants, my gp is wonderful and hates the hopsital system - but hey ho xxx

skiz profile image

I completely agree. i had been jokingly saying to people for years 'my ovaries are playing me up again'. Finally, and in excruciating pain, ended up in A&E, after being told by my doctor for years that it was nothing and my 'aches and pains were probably from standing up at work!' I had growths on both ovaries, which were expanding quickly, frozen pelvis with severe adhesions gluing my insides together and had more and more worrying cancer indicators every time a blood test was taken. Luckily (I say luckily!) I was diagnosed with endo after an urgent laparoptomy (not -oscopy) 3 days before xmas. The next week I was told my fallopian tubes are so badly damaged and distorted that I wont be able to conceive. Im so angry with my GP for not listening for all that time. He knew that I was having trouble conceiving and wouldn't even refer me for that alone, let alone the agony I was in, or the bowel troubles etc etc.

Trust yourself girls, and when your body tells you there's something wrong, find the strength to fight until you get sorted. i often wonder how different my life might be if I'd been pushier years ago, rather than letting it go on unchecked for so long.

Skiz thanks for your reply. I totally understand how you feel. I was so angry too.

Worth71 i had enough and just demanded a hysterectomy with the second gynae. I hadnt had a lap, my first gynae refused saying i hadnt got endo. I only had scans which only showed cysts and fibroids.

Good luck to you both. xx

LittleMissManx profile image

Well done in sticking up for yourself. You're right its our body and we know when something isnt right. I'm pleased you were finally granted a lap and got your endo diagnosis even thiugh you had to wait for a new gyane to come along!

Hopefully you now have an effective treatment plan and can move forward, x

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