Suspicion of endometrioma / symptoms - Endometriosis UK

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Suspicion of endometrioma / symptoms

Srh_dvt profile image
21 Replies

Hi everyone,

I have finally decided to join and post... I had lower back pain around 8 months ago and thought I had injured myself. It passed but came back around february, always at the end of my period and sometimes lasting for days, hurting day and night. It really felt like menstrual pain, but in the lower back. The thing is, I've never had lower back pain during my period and I'm 34 now...

My GP tested my urine, because I felt weight on my bladder etc. but everything came back ok. My gynaecologyst did the yearly checkup in March, told me it was normal to feel pain, and, when told about endometriosis, said it was trendy. The results came back normal, but the pain also came back so I went back for a pelvic ultrasound mid-april and he found an ovarian cyst, highly suspecting it is an endometrioma, 2.5cm. From that moment as you can imagine I have been feeling very bad. I'm 34, single and I would like kids... I read that endometriomas = stage 4... and meanwhile, the pain came back monthly during my period/days afterwards. To exclude anything else, I did a blood analysis in case I had any vitamin deficiency, asked to look for any gluten intolerance, even did a stool analysis but they didn't find anything (I am regularly bloated, and my stool became very loose at the same time as the back pain started, sorry for those details). I went back to the gynaecologist last week and we agreed on a new ultrasound at the end of the summer to check the cyst. BTW: I did an ultrasound in 2021 and there was no cyst back then.

I'm not sure why I'm posting here. Maybe to get some testimonials of women who had the same and managed to have kids? Maybe for others to tell me it also happend suddenly for them? Can a small cyst cause strong symptoms? Is all this happening because I'm getting old? There is a "chance" that it might be a hemmorrhagic cyst and I cling to it... even though I don't think it could be the reason of all those symptoms.

Some info about me:

- I have been eating healthy for more than a year, and "improved" even more my diet now, trying to avoid inflammatory ingredients...

- I exercise regularly

- Retroverted uterus (which could somehow explain the sudden lower back pains even though I have it for years?!)

- Yearly, around the same time as my seasonal allergies, my period lasts longer during 3-4 months: I have brown discharge for 2-3 days then period 2 days then brown discharge 2-3 days. Actually, I'm not even sure when my real period starts anymore. Since I stopped the pill, my cycle is regular (I know when I ovulate, I have an app and it's always correct) BUT I started to hurt at the END of the period instead of the first two days like it used to. And when I say "hurt", it's some discomfort in the lower belly, and maybe strong pain 2 or 3 times a year, not like now.

- I thought about trying "seed cylcling" but not sure which seeds are actually good for me, and during which phase (can anyone help?)

- I believe there is something wrong with my hormonal balance ; I also started having migraine with auras since 2019 since I stopped taking the pill... Should I ask my doctor to test my hormone levels? I think endometriosis AND migraines have something to do with estrogenes... and also with stress (read below...)

My health has decreased since I started my new (stressful) job. I commute twice a week, 4 hours a day (this might have something to do with the back pain), am working on a computer the whole day... This month I had 2 weeks off (last holiday was in september...), and of course I felt much better. It made me realise my job might be the main reason why I feel like this. I really believe stress can impact our hormonal balance etc. I got my period during the weekend and my back started hurting on monday but it was not as bad as the last months and I didn't have to take any medicine. It lasted only monday. So, 2 weeks without the laptop, walking all day long, away from a place which challenges me emotionally really helped. Of course I'm looking for another job but it takes time... and well, I had a migraine with aura yesterday, not even 3 days after getting back to work...

Thanks for reading, sorry for writing so much, I hope some of you will have the patience to read me. Please forgive any mistake, as English is not my native language.

Have a good evening

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Srh_dvt profile image
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21 Replies
AlexaMac profile image

Hi l can understand your anguish. I am at the other end of the age spectrum being 78. But l had menstrual period type bleeding age 73 and began my journey. My first specialist dismissed me as being *worriesome* ??

Got changed to a new one after having waited over a year l had partial hysterectomy when they found a tumour embedded in my womb which was 11 centimetres across, but the pre exam l had was reported as 1.1cm.

Then l was given a new specialist and was back in hospital after 6 weeks to have the hysterectomy completed and further labs done, l am now in early remission, still have to be aware of any symptoms but so far so good.

My meaning is please keep a diary of your symptoms and take it with you when you go for checks.

Try to keep optimistic 🌸🌸

Srh_dvt profile image
Srh_dvt in reply toAlexaMac

Hello Alexa and thank you for your reply. I am happy to read your are now in remission and I wish you all the best. I should indeed keep a diary because I notice the same symptoms come and go, and often at the same time... I guess that for now I'll just have to be patient, keep eating healthy, exercise and try not to sress so much about it ... I will see what happens during the next ultrasound

ccfd9 profile image

Hi, the inflammation caused by the endo and your period causes inflammation which cause you uterosacral ligament to pull at lumber 4&5 causing the back pain. A small endometrioma can be absorbed given the right conditions. You need to see a good nutritional therapist who knows about endometriosis like Dian Shepperson Mills, see your bloating and fears about fertility can be addressed. Good luck

Srh_dvt profile image
Srh_dvt in reply toccfd9

Thank you for replying. I think the most useful thing to do right now is addressing nutrition and fighting my stress. And maybe also find a boyfriend if I want children haha! I'll check if I can find a specialist in my area

ccfd9 profile image
ccfd9 in reply toSrh_dvt

Dian works via zoom so she is local!

Mel5523 profile image

Hi, I'm so sorry you are going through this, I am on a very similar journey, I'm 56 but have been having the same symptoms as you since 2019. The migraines with aura are just unbearable, I am finally receiving botox every 3 months now, it helps with the migraines. My hormones are to blame, too much estrogen. It takes forever to get the Drs, including gynecologists, to find anything. I finally had an mri and transvaginal ultrasound, they found I have adenomyosis and something embedded in my vaginal wall, near my bladder, they have no idea what it is and I'm waiting to see a urologist who is also a gynecologist. I also have been diagnosed with divictularitus after a colonoscopy. All of this is what relates to my back and pelvic pain, constipation or diarrhoea daily, I am now post menopause but have the dark brown discharge. I hope you get sorted soon, keep pushing for a proper diagnosis, no one should be living in pain x

Srh_dvt profile image
Srh_dvt in reply toMel5523

Hello, thank you for your reply. Weird that we are both sharing similar symptoms since 2019! I read that botox was really helpful with migraines. I found a migraine specialist and I intend to take an appointment with her about that. I am also sure it has to do with my hormones and I think endometriosis increases the estrogen level, so both problems are related...

I hope you can soon get an appointment with that urologist/gynaecologist and that the results come back ok.

BloomingMarvellous profile image

Trendy !!!!! Am sat with my jaw dropped wide. Arrogant soul

Retroverted uterus - whilst commonly found aren’t healthy . Try going to @corerecoverypt to learn more and listen to Dr Angie Muller discussion with Leah Brueg on the matter amongst other issues around pelvic floor function and endometriosis podcast number 52 (?) on @leah.brueg

The go to lean in for researched recommendations and self care is Katie Edmonds book Heal Endo She fully delves into matters nutritional as well as fertility

Srh_dvt profile image

Yeah, I wonder how he felt when he found the endometrioma...

Thank you for your advice, I'll have a look at it. By the way, my mother also has a retroverted uterus. Oh guess what, I already ordered that book yesterday! :)

Something that also triggers me is how my period changed and to be honest I don't even know when it really starts... I had brown discharge for 2-3 days and then it looked reddish so I counted it as day 1, which means my back pain occurs on what would be day 4-5-6-7 but now I wonder if maybe day 4 is really day 1... am a bit lost :/

And I don't know if it's linked but I have started to do some exercises to fix my posture because I'm sure it influences my pain, and my stool has gone back to normal since... it's only been a few days, but who knows... I actually saw an osteopath 2 months ago and when he saw me, without know why I came, told me my problem came from my link lower abdomen (I have the cyst on link ovary) and it seemed my whole body was absorbed to this place. He helped relieve my pains but with my insurance I have to pay it myself and it's quite expensive

BloomingMarvellous profile image
BloomingMarvellous in reply toSrh_dvt

Probably “forgot” had been an arrogant so and so. T…t

The main uterine ligament is three fingers width. It’s really chunky so it can do the work needed, but you have to imagine if it’s pulling out of alignment the effect on the rest of the lower back ligaments and consequently any organs and muscles lying near it. Ask anyone who hasn’t got their tent guylines properly set up. Wonky tent syndrome. It will cause problems and pain. Basic anatomy 101 for any medic WHO ought to think things through… So inflammation in the area , lesions etc will cause havoc across pelvic and ergo diaphragmatic function. Quite why medics find it hard to understand I will never know . There is a nice little ditty that goes “ the knee bones connected to the thigh bone “ etc. I don’t need to rabbit on but imagine you get the point.

Srh_dvt profile image
Srh_dvt in reply toBloomingMarvellous

Thank you for your explanation, which is quite logic... I have begun to do some exercises which are supposed to improve my posture etc but I guess the best thing to do would be to go to a physiotherapist who is specialised in pelvic floor (I saw there is one nearby)

BloomingMarvellous profile image
BloomingMarvellous in reply toSrh_dvt

Check they work on a hypopressive model. Standard pelvic floor work isn’t appropriate

Srh_dvt profile image
Srh_dvt in reply toBloomingMarvellous

Ok, thanks for your advice :)

BloomingMarvellous profile image
BloomingMarvellous in reply toSrh_dvt

If you listen to the podcast it will make much more sense. Xxx

Rainbowtrio profile image

This was a very strange post to read because there are so many similarities with my own situation. Also 34, also started with symptoms 2019. Also suffer migraines with aura however I do not have a diagnosis yet for endo. I am currently being treated for suspected endometriosis and due to be reviewed in 6 months which is now. I also have various other issues in general abdominal area which makes things difficult as most doctors like to pass me on to someone else. I also have PCOS, coeliac disease, IBS and am lactose intolerant. I completely agree with not being entirely sure when or if you have your period. Mine is so confusing right now and I probably only get around one week pain free in a month. I also have 3 kids (youngest born in 2019) my symptoms didn’t seem to be present before that pregnancy so unsure if it’s been going on all along or not. Sorry not helpful but you are not alone ❤️

Srh_dvt profile image
Srh_dvt in reply toRainbowtrio

Hi, yes it helps relieve me a bit knowing others struggle with the same symptoms, because people who don't live it can't understand. I don't know if I have IBS but my mother does and the last months I had very similar symptoms. BUT I know endometriosis can be digestive as well, with IBS symptoms... I hope you don't have it but if you do, at least you'll know and maybe will find a way to ease your symptoms. If only we had pain only during the period (and normal periods...)... I finished my period 4 days ago and the back is still hurting

Sunset-lady profile image

Great thread. Thanks Blooming Marvellous for making me laugh. I was waiting for someone to comment on the "trendy" bit. Unbelievable. Morning, this is such a similar story for MANY of us. I had back pain for years -spent thousands on trying to fix it. I don't have it now. Once everything is glued together it ofem stops. Stress will make everything so much worse. I gave up my career 6 years ago due to endo pain (didn't know it was endo then) and peri menopause symptoms. I eat well and don't drink alcohol but the stress I was under exacerbated my symptoms. When i changed my lifestyle my back pain went away - because as someone has explained on here it's the inflammation that causes it. I have a cyst (endometrioma) on my left ovary. I think I've had several over the years and they burst as sometimes the pain Ive been in has had me on the floor screaming. Had an abandoned hysterectomy last September when they realised it was endo. I'd say there's a very high chance you have this lovely. I'd also suggest looking at grains in your diet. I came back clear of celiac disease but I believe I'm sensitive to gluten and when I eat it I feel rotten. It's a mine field but good luck xxx

BloomingMarvellous profile image
BloomingMarvellous in reply toSunset-lady

Glad to bring joy 🤩 💅🏻

Srh_dvt profile image
Srh_dvt in reply toSunset-lady

I know, stress is the worst... also noticed that since I started this job I "suffer" from bruxism. Can't help it, I'm always clenching my teeth. I also eat well and almost don't drink alcohol (like 2 glasses of wine twice a year). Actually, it feels everything started after a party I went to, where I drank wine and ate chips etc... but I also had a very rough year emotionally.

3 weeks ago I had constant pain in my lower left abdomen, in a specific point, that lasted 3-4 days.. I thought it had to do with something I ate but my cyst is in the left ovary so maybe it was it. Btw I stopped eating gluten in april, after I found out. Also stopped red meat. Haven't really seen an improvement since tbh. This is why I'd like to try the seed cycling stuff but I don't know how to do it correctly! I don't want to make things worse xD

benevolentsacha profile image

Hi, I read your post just fine! I am sorry you are going through all of this. I can very much relate and what is crazy is the way you said you have brown discharge, then your period for a couple days and so on and not even sure when your period starts is my scenario to a T as well as a couple other symptoms you mentioned including bad lower back pain. I still have to get more testing to officially diagnosis endo but doctor suspects it and I have to do a colpo on Tuesday for high grade precancerous cells and high risk HPV so really nervous and praying everything is okay as they are going to also make sure there is no cancer. All just very scary. So point being, I understand your struggles. It isn't easy and sometimes down right miserable and youvgo through every emotion known to man, most don't understand, others don't give a shit either way, and then their are those who have walked in your shoes and completely understand what your going through and are always here for support or just an open ear or outlet to turn to. I know its hard and overwhelming but just try to breath and know that you will get through it and you are never ever alone. I wish you the best of luck. And always here if you need an open ear #GirlPower #GirlStrength #GirlSupport #NotAlone

Srh_dvt profile image
Srh_dvt in reply tobenevolentsacha

Hey, thank you for your nice message. I hope everything goes well for you. Whatever happens, know that there are people here also to support you, including me!

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