I have never suffered with thrush in the past but in the last year I have had it 4 times. My endo is also worse than it was so I am wondering if there is a connection. Does anyone else get this ?
Endo and thrush related?: I have never... - Endometriosis UK
Endo and thrush related?

Poor you! I had a terrible time with thrush before my last lap in Feb. I had it once a month at least and it was agony. I've heard that there is a link between endo and a thrush but I don't know the medicine behind it. That said itching can also be one of your body's signals that there is nerve involvement and nerve irritation from endo. So it might not be thrush. To know for sure your GP needs to do a swab, or else you can get home testing kits at Boots I think. I started taking acidophilus supplements daily and started a gluten and yeast free diet and I havn't had thrush since! The acidophilus balances out your internal bacteria and cutting out yeast (including beer!) helps as thrush "feeds" off yeast. Hope this helps! x
Me too having four night of canestan pessaries in a row sometimes to get rid, because it's that stu
bborn x
Fluconazole tablets prescribed by my GP. You only have to take one. I had her prescribing them to me in bulk because I was so bad!
same here, I am on fluconazole at the moment... she has me on them every 3 days for 10 treatments :S I've always been one to develop thrush easily, it was especially frequent when I was on the pill!
I rarely get it now but still more than most women I think... a couple of times a year : (
Don't forget that partners can reinfect you so if there is a chance they have fungal nails or itchy balls or your thrush just isn't shifting.... consider taking the man shape to the doctors with you.
i have never had thrush until now i am on nystatin x