I’ve just started a new job in January, I work at a Cat charity rescue Adoption Centre. I’ve told my managers about my endo and adeno and my surgery, and they asked if there is anything i need from them and i didn’t have a clue what they could even do. I’m 23 so more new to the chronically ill/ work balance in comparison to someone who’s further on in life and has experience with job accommodations. My previous jobs were retail where there were no real accommodations available because it’s stand on your feet and walk around there’s not many options for sitting and another was a hard labour job on a horse yard so again, no accommodations really available as it’s all manual labour.
The work I do day to day is looking after the cats, cleaning feeding and giving meds etc to 20/30 odd cats a day with lots of walking, bending and moving around, once the cats are looked after there’s sometimes phone work and admin jobs which are mostly sat down. I was a little naive coming into this job in terms of how much moving around there is and with it being full time as well i have REALLY been struggling with my chronic pain (i have fibromyalgia as well) and some flares have been so bad i can’t shower or make food and eat for days. I obviously love my job and my role and absolutely need it to pay for life.
With all this in mind I’m not sure what accommodations would even be am option for me and i REALLY need advice on what sort of jobs people have had and what accommodations they’ve had/ thought of. I have no clue. If i don’t know whats available or possible i dont stand a chance to be able to ask for them and then for them to help me.
I’d love for this new job to start with open communication and accommodations where and when appropriate if possible but I don’t know what to ask for.
I’ve mentioned, as one of the sections you can be put on (eg maternity, isolation etc) is reception which is all mostly sat down, that maybe if I’m having a really bad period that maybe i could ask a colleague to swap sections with me so i can be on reception for the day instead and most people seemed okay with that, but in practice it won’t always be that simple as so many jobs need doing as working with animals can be unpredictable AND that includes me advocating for myself to say ‘hey im in a lot of pain and really struggling please could we swap’ and i cant always trust myself to speak up as i really struggle with that part (and am working on it in therapy lol), im the type to put my head down and pretend everything’s fine like a lot of endo patients have had to do until i can’t see the pain is so bad and im crying in the toilet because im too scared to say anything (im bad i know).
It might help to have more context into what i actually do each day as it depends on my rota’d section for the week so that also throws a wrench in things as it’s different week to week and im more than happy to do that it will just be a lottt to type and a lot for you to read.
Ive been struggling with this for a long time, at previous jobs too, and i would so massively appreciate it if any of you amazing lovely people could please give me a little advice on it