Hi ladies,
Bit of a desperate post for suggestions. My last post has more context but basically my BSGE endo centre referral has been rejected as I don't meet the criteria under DIE. I have tried to challenge this, and have spoken with PALS but no success.
My general gynae has discharged me as she can't offer anything more for me (I also don't want to be cared for under my local team due to many many issues and feeling failed basically).
I am really feeling hopeless now about next steps. My recent ultrasound suggested endo regrowth since my lap last year (ovarian cyst & ovaries 'kissing' seen on scan).
Symptoms are ongoing and seemingly new ones all the time.
Im under gastro now for issues but no definitive answer has been given as of yet. I've chased them today for a follow up appt after my colonoscopy was essentially NAD.
I have no idea what to do now. I'm not under any gynaecology team at present. Should I ask my GP to refer me to a different team? Will that help when they won't be specialists?
A few people suggested contacting my local MP to advocate for me however will that make a difference if the strict criteria remains the same?
Ive been focusing on lifestyle changes, have been following an anti inflammatory diet and as a bonus lost almost 1.5 stone. Been trialling supplements too.
Why is womens health so shocking. Sick of the uphill battle. I'm not even 30, the thought of living with this progressing is very depressing.
Sorry for the miserable post, just very deflated right now.
Thank you if you spent time reading this, even if you're unsure about advice xx