Hi all,
I have gone private and I am now panicking whether my consultant is right for me to do a laparoscopy since researching into endo more and learning about BSGE accredited centres, but not knowing my stage or even if I have endo. Do I have to have my first laparoscopy with a gynaecologist with “special interest” or can I change my consultant to a name I see listed on a BSGE centre (but not at the centre because my insurance doesn’t cover it.)
I have suffered with severe period pains and menorrhagia my entire period-having life, ending up in A&E for the pain.
Just over a year ago I started having right hand side pelvic pain that I swore was my ovary, and since battling with my GP that it wasn’t “normal period pains” I have since gone private for investigations.
My MRI showed a 15mm hemorrhagic cyst on my right ovary, two further smaller cysts on the right ovary and another on my left ovary which the gynaecologist said could be normal. He also said that on the MRI it seemed that my left ovary was attached to my uterus- but that in a laparoscopy that might not be the case. He also said I had some adhesions but didn’t tell me where other than it wasn’t my bladder or bowel. I have been having bladder and bowel symptoms linked to my cycle for a year as well but the MRI apparently showed nothing. I am worried that because it was not read by an endo specialist radiologist that things could have been missed.
Over the last two months I have also been having chest and back pains in the two weeks before my period. I have suffered with this pain before but not linked it to my cycle and I’m now worrying it is linked to endo too.
I guess I’m worried after reading about women who had laparoscopies and found “nothing” by gynaecologists who didn’t recognise endo in its different forms. So how do I know if my gyno is right for my laparoscopy, he seemed knowledgeable and explained things well, but should I ask to change consultants to this name I saw listed on a BSGE accredited centre list but not at the accredited centre?
Sorry for the awfully long post, and thank you in advance.
An anxious girl who researches for hours