Hi everyone, I'm looking for support with my mood. I have a prostap injection every 10 weeks and I also take hrt. Some months I'm ok but some I get so depressed, I almost feel I've forgotten how to laugh sometimes. I would like to take some supplements to support me. I started taking balance and positivity for about a week, I did feel they were really helping, and felt like I had a spring on my step. But then I came down with a really bad cold, and I don't know if my body has rejected it or I'm overthinking and have just got a cold. If anyone could help that would be great. I was diagnosed probably 14 years ago now. Waiting for the next stage will be hysterectomy but am currently being monitored with scans and bone scans xx
Help with moods : Hi everyone, I'm looking... - Endometriosis UK
Help with moods

Endo/adoe is a awful disease and really takes a strain on your mental health and moods.Im also waiting for a hysterectomy and some days are good and others bad. I also took a 12 week therapy which really helped me makes me look for the small wins and little things i can do even when i have bad breakdown days.
Try reaching out to friends or family and i understand that is hard as i talk to mine but they wont understand what we going through.
Id be lost without my hubby, kids and sister this year the most.
oh sweetheart, heartbreaking 💔. Am sorry you feel so rough. Would imagine the combination of inflammation, low oestrogen and testosterone might be fuelling the fire on this one on top of everything else.
I hope you've discussed the lowness of mood with your medical team. It's important that they know. If your HRT doesn't include testosterone you might want to do some research on the Balance App around its application. There is some early evidence to suggest low testosterone is a factor with women with endo anyway and there's a lot of new information emerging on the positive effect of testosterone in women on depression. To get it from your GP you'd have to go in on the basis of "low /zero sex drive" as that's the door for prescribing on the NHS. (🙄) I found it also helped with UTI's and stopped them dead in their tracks after a few months . Once I had testosterone my black depression lifted and hope returned. I now use a low dose of testogel but started on the Australian version Androfemme which was designed for women but that was a private script and expensive to maintain. Keep talking and being open as alone is not the place to be with this.
As well as the other good suggestions I found Curable App very helpful in managing having this disease. Keep reaching out when you need we are all here for you♥️