Hello all you lovely ladies 😊😊😘
I had a colonoscopy in July.
This colonoscopy was absolute agony, and during the procedure the consultant said the pain was due to my bowels being stuck together. (My bowel movements are also a problem, painful, with problems going, where I feel I need to go but can’t , then i suddenly need to go very urgently.)
I assume this is due the the bowels being stuck together and was hoping something could be done about this.
I have been waiting for the results of this procedure in anticipation since that time. The main concern was if there was any endometriosis of course.
I rang his secretary last Thursday 24th October which was about 14 weeks post procedure, only to be told she was away. The lady on the phone said the results had been read and I was to be seen in 2-3 months, but that in reality it was more likely to be 18 months.
I asked her when I will be able to know what my results myself? She said when I am seen, so that could be anything between 2-18 months.
she said sorry but this is the way it was.
Surely this cannot be the case?
I'm sure I'm within my rights to be told the results once they have been reviewed.
I’ve decided I’m going to send him an email questioning this.
Has anyone else experienced this?