Can anyone recommend a tens machine or the my oovi deviceThankyou
Tens machine?: Can anyone recommend a tens... - Endometriosis UK
Tens machine?

I’ve used tens machines for years to help with pain (haven’t tried oovi) and I’ve found it helpful, especially for sciatica or for trying to go about my day as normally as possible when the pain would otherwise stop me. It doesn’t work on all levels of pain for me, but low-medium pain is made so much more manageable with a tens!
I got my tens machine from Lloyds pharmacy around 6 years ago and it was £20 then, with 4 pads. It’s very good! And I recommend it, I haven’t tried the oovi x
I have a myoovi and it’s great. I still had to take some pain relief but it helps to take your mind off the pain a little and relax.
Thankyou ladies, gone for a tens machine and a oovi is on the christmas list 🥰 I do have a slim pal from amazon and I don't like the vibration setting it makes me worse so hoping the tens is fine for me x
I recently bought a myoovi one and I find that a hot water bottle still works better for me but it’s good for lower grade pain when I’m at work and can’t discretely use a hot water bottle.
I have the ovira one and personally I think it’s better than Myoovi because the pads are independent of each other. They are on separate wires so if you have pain in weird places (so common with endo) you can move them to suit. For example I used to get pain high up on the front above my right ovary and then I would put the other pad right in the middle of my pelvis. If your pain is reliably over the uterus every time though then the myoovi might be better for you. It’s cheaper and it’s more easy and discreet to wear under clothes.
With both of them I’ve found they work better when you’re at home relaxed and not moving around. I tend to use the BeYou monthly strips for work, I love them.
I hope whichever one you buy it helps you, they can be magic. Xxx
I haven’t tried myoovi, but I did have a Beurer EM50 which is marketed as for menstrual pain. However I’ve now replaced it with a Beurer EM49 which has four pads and I find it to be much more effective, as you can place the pads precisely where you have pain which is not so easy with the ones for menstrual pain as it’s just one unit. I tend to have two pads where it hurts most in the pelvic area and the other two on my inner ankles as recommended by my pelvic physiotherapist - this is apparently a key area for targeting pelvic pain.
I have the My Obi, only used it for one cycle so far but felt like it really took the edge off. It is a bit pricey but worth it for the comfort of the shape of it, the ease of using it, and the choice in pulses and the heat option too. It was my first period where I didnt get such a sharp stabbing pain, and instead it remained a strong ache.... but that may just be coincidence as only once. Will have to see over the long term of course.
A couple of years ago I tried my mum's old tens machine with the stickers... it was awful and made no difference whatsoever. But maybe because it was old.
Its so hard to nail down any factors for sure but the My Obi gets tonnes of good reviews from people with endo... so seems promising.
I have just purchased a tens machine a few months ago. I went for the Flo-ova after reading really good reviews and on an independent review site it came out higher than the Oovi and was cheaper.
Hi,I bought the myoovi and I love using it because it's easy to stick on an carry on with my day. It doesn't get rid of the pain completely if it's really intense but if it's just small cramps can null all the pains.
When on my period I try to take ibuprofen before it really starts as I have been told that helps but sometimes I don't notice. The tens helps in both situations. I honestly use it every week.
When you get it it comes with two pads
I used the first one to death within about 3-4 months I had used it to the point it was no longer effective. I thought I had a dodgy device. Change over to a new pad and was like AHH I see I have just burned it out from using it so much.
I have now signed up to the pad subscription so they will turn up in the post and I will remember to change it. I also bought the travel case with it so I have it in my bag wherever I go, if I need it I can just pop to the loo and attach it and go.
I love there are no wires for me to accidently pull on when out and about or sitting with the animals. Honestly some of the best money I have spent.
Pressing the power button to go through the different modes is easy enough but it resets the power to level one and I can't really feel them at all so I always have to increase the intensity to feel it work.
Hope you find one that works for you x
Hello,I can't imagine coping without mine.
It gates the pain from brain.
I use back pain setting.
Placee eletro on each side hips of body not on stomach or Ovaries.
Set the level at say 3. Let the brain notice the pulse, turn down to 2 or one so just a tiny tickle within 10mins the pain should reduce.
You may have to change the pulse type if you body isn't complying.
I have an oovie and I love it, it helps make the pain manageable. I now use the oovie instead of burning myself with hot water bottles. I was skeptical when I first bought it, the price point is high, but since using for six months I’m so happy with it. It really takes the edge off when I’m having high pain days. I hope this helps x
The one I got was around £20 from Amazon and it works wonders.