me again,
I had the coil fitted during my surgery as they found a lot of dead and alive endo tissue + a cyst. They fitted the hormonal IUD (coil) saying it would help with my pain and the new endo growth.
I’m just under three weeks post surgery and my period has started and it feels like torture. It’s ridiculously painful, I was just starting to be able to walk again and this has floored me. I thought the coil would stop this but obviously it’s a slow start.
Has anyone else experienced awful painful periods post surgery + on the coil ? It all feels very unfair to add this on top of my healing. I’m also nearly three weeks and my work are hassling me to go back but I haven’t even gone out on a walk on my own yet, and I can’t even wear normal clothes yet as anything pushing on my lower abdomen is so painful and makes me almost instantly bloated.
feeling very defeated today, very annoyed this is happening and a bit alone. Any advice or shared experiences would be greatly appreciated xx