Hello, I’m a regular on here. Some of you know me, others probably not.
Wanted some advice so I’m going to keep it simple.
1. I’m 53 with a history of endometriosis all my life. Debilitating and just absolutely rubbish for me. Like all of us on here. I’m unfortunately no different.
2. My periods THANKFULLY stopped in 2021, when I was 50. And I was thrown into HORRENDOUS menopause with over 27 symptoms which were again, just debilitating and rubbish. I was reluctant to go on HRT but after a couple of years I did. Obviously continued combined HRT.
3. I was absolutely fine for a year and then started bleeding and experienced pain again. That threw me as I thought I was over all that. Investigated and given the all clear for anything sinister. The pain involved in my hysteroscopy was legendary.
4. Carried on my HRT. No problems for about another year then wham bleeding and pain yet again.
5. Carried on but adjusted my HRT by upping progesterone. Doubled it from 100mg to 200mg. Made me feel dreadful so went back to 100. I give all the adjustments three months to settle.
6. Lowered my oestrogen to 50mg from 75mg. Just to see if I was “stimulating” the endo.
7. Went to loo today as felt chronically fatigued and lo and behold, more bleeding. I am so cheesed off. Very upset that I can’t seem to escape my periods, even at my age.
I’m about to stop HRT completely. Is this wrong? I will get some advice from my GP and possibly go private but what I don’t understand is why I was SO OKAY with HRT for over a year and then it’s all gone wrong for me and my body.
Any advice and experience welcome from others in same position.