Just here for a very long rant and to see if anyone can offer any suggestions going forward.Still no diagnosis (all endo symptoms) pain started Mar22, had an ultrasound Nov22, lap July 23, adhesions and was told 'indications' of endo after surgery (whatever that means), biopsy came back negative so no diagnosis. Gynaecologist told me if the pain came back to go to gastro since my bowel had the most adhesions. Pain eased off completely for 9 months.
Started again 3 months ago and instead of being cyclical (used to flare up after my period every month like clockwork), but now the pain is constant.
Went to gastro, the first Dr was lovely, really thorough, booked me in for a small bowel MRI and said he'd like to get to the bottom of why I have adhesions and obviously find the cause of my symptoms. Had the MRI which came back clear, other than a few follicular cysts. Had to change drs because unfortunately the Dr I saw wasn't covered by my insurance (my bad for not checking first). So had to change Dr for follow up on Tuesday, who was honestly the most arrogant prick I've ever met (excuse my language). Started off the appointment by apologising for not responding to my email because he forgot (an email sent 3 weeks ago), started the appointment by saying he thought my symptoms were psychosomatic as a trauma response due to my mum dying from Ovarian cancer last year (he must be a psychologist too). Told him my pain started an entire year before my mum got sick and that she first had symptoms in feb23, the GP assumed she had coeliac disease 🙃 she was officially diagnosed in march and then died in may. Which quickly shut him up.
He then said that changing to wholegrain pasta, eating more salad and getting back to exercising regularly would relieve my symptoms. I told him I had stopped exercising all together when the pain started again, I've been in too much to pain to work so how I'm going to be well enough to start exercising is beyond me. He said that being stuck in the house all the time must be impacting my mental health, I said of course, but not nearly as much as the constant pain is. Thinks that most of my pain is due to constipation, even though that doesn't become a problem until I'm a couple of weeks into a flare up and I also regularly have diarrhoea. He said again that my symptoms were psychosomatic, that we might never find a cause and that I should make a follow up in 4-6 months time to see where things are but that he was not offering any further treatment.
I had mentioned the bowel adhesions to see if he had any thoughts regarding that, and as soon as I brought it up he started smirking, and said "some people just get them". It was so condescending and I could tell he probably thought I had no idea what I was talking about, I'm certainly no doctor but I have a degree and master's degree in Biology so I certainly understand how the human body functions and can interpret studies on bloody adhesions well enough. He cut me off every time I tried to talk, the appointment was around 13 minutes long (this is private) and he was just so dismissive, I cried the whole way home in my Uber, which was a low point.
I have an appointment with the gynaecologist who did my lap on Monday, so I'm hoping he can offer some help, but I'm not expecting much now. I don't even know what to ask for at this point. Just feel like giving up. I'm on half pay and my pay ends all together soon, I'm pretty close to losing my job, and I'm trying everything to help myself and just feel like I'm getting nowhere.