Hi all! I’ve just passed two weeks post op, heading in to week 3 (laparoscopy and hysteroscopy) and hoping to see if people have experienced the same when it comes to adjusting back to ‘normal’ life.
This is my first surgery and I was diagnosed with endo and had four incisions, with a heap of excisions, including from my bowel. So far my wounds seem to be healing okay, despite my constant paranoia of one of them getting infected 😩 (I even called the hospital to ask them about my bellybutton and how to know that it’s going to be ok when it’s hard to see inside lol, I had no idea how queasy even looking at it could make me feel!!)
Anyway, I’m back to work as of yesterday, following being signed off for two weeks. I work in an admin role so have been able to work from home this week.
Over the past two weeks whilst off, I’ve predominantly been laying down in bed, and now I am finding that sitting up for a prolonged time in my ergonomic chair is making me feel very uncomfortable, to the point where I need to lie down for a little while each hour. Sometimes it feels like a digging pain in my bellybutton or side that leaves relatively quickly, sometimes it’s more of an aching of different muscles in my abdomen.
Has anyone else had something similar? If so, did it last a long time or pass i.e. should I be prepared to just get used to this?
Thank you and I hope you have a lovely evening. Xx