Some may be offended by what I'm saying here, so apologies.
Does anyone else have a large flare up with their ovaries after masturbation/coming?
Some may be offended by what I'm saying here, so apologies.
Does anyone else have a large flare up with their ovaries after masturbation/coming?
Yes - definitely. Can be within seconds or up to the next day. Also, pain just with arousal which can be really infuriating.
No need to apologise - your question is valid and I’m sure many out there have this symptom 💛
I literally waited for someone else to reply before responding 🙈 no-one has ever posted about this during my time so it is a relief to hear I’m not alone.
I have immediate pain and then cramps immediately after, which takes a few days to eb. Historically this would only happen the week before my period but now it’s every time (currently abstaining). I have suspected stage four, organs stuck together, I’m seeing a private specialist next month, hoping to get more of an explanation then but I’ve just put it down to that.
I’m so glad someone asked this! I thought it was just me and that something was wrong but I get this even getting in the mood as it were. It’s like cramping/stabbing pain and then I’m usually a bit off for a few days afterwards. This for me has gotten worse since my surgery (stage 2 diagnosis and excision in November) which is annoying but maybe I’m still healing 🤷♀️
Yessssssssss me... when me and my partner have sex and I orgasm it causes flare up can happen straight away and some times 1 to 2 days after the pain comes on.... your not alone girlie, never be sorry for a question we all woman and suffering with same condition every question is a valid one x
Anyone who is offended by your question needs to get a grip! Yes, I have had this for years but across my whole womb and one ovary specifically (ovary pain during and after sex). I also have vulvodynia and had it for years before endo so I knew my muscles were insanely tight down there from grimacing before and during sex due to the pain. When you have sex, are you vaginal muscles clenched together tightly? Does it take a little while to get the penis in?
If so, the pain you feel during arousal or after arousal could likely be linked to a tight pelvic floor which is contracting repeatedly when you're aroused/orgasmed (not to be confused with vaginismus). Mine used to get so bad after orgasm, that I would have to sit on the toilet for a while. After orgasm, the pain is similar to intense period pain but the arousal pain before orgasm, is not as intense. You could try exercises that relax the pelvic floor. They did help me with that type of pain, also loads and loads of lube! I have stage 4 endo with ovary fused to bowels. xx
This is also my experience exactly! I also have vulvodynia and advanced endo, I had surgery in March to unstick the adhesions on organs. Am currently looking into pelvic physio x
Omg no way! Painful sex twinsies haha. Nice to know someone else out there understands how it feels with our specific symptoms. I had physio pre endo diagnosis - it was okay but didn't really help because it didn't do anything for the pain from the endo during sex which I suspected it wouldn't.
One thing I took from it was to really actively be aware how much I was tensing my vagina/pelvis during sex and then to gently push out with those same muscles, as if you're doing a poo and wee at the same time. I remember to do that when my partner's penis is attempting to break into my alcatraz vagina 😅 and I can feel that it does really help the penis to go in! Give a whirl but just remember to gently push out. I also tell him to freeze sometimes and I take some deep breaths with a focus on relaxing those muscles and gently pushing out. That helps too xx
PS - I also had a lap done in March! The surgeon was able to unglue my ovary and uterus, but my uterus and bowel were too badly adhered together for her to touch. So waiting for a bowel surgeon now. It was a relief to finally know what that internal deep pain actually was! Your physio will probably go really well now that you have had your endo removed xx
Oh, I used to as well before my hysterectomy and ovary removal. I put it down to my endometrioma as it was on the same side but perhaps it wasn't after all!
I also have flare ups straight after inter course. It’s a very valid question and you’re not alone.
yes omg i thought it was just me too… i’ve just had my laparoscopy about 3 weeks ago and since then i haven’t had those pains so far, but before that i had them almost all the time whenever i did. it would trigger cramps and bad flare ups and stinging too. bless you i get it completely 🫂💞
Well done for being so brave! 👏 I have also experienced this thankfully it improved following my adhesions being removed x
I have horrific pain during sex. Sometimes it will be ok and the next time it’s excruciating. Nobody (GP/gynae) can give me any advice or tell me why.
At times I’ve had this yes, pelvic physio privately has helped and now I don’t get pain post orgasm (still with penetration itself) but I’d say 90% masturbating externally now pain free
absolutely, yes.