Just wanted to vent with people who understand. I am in bed with endo flare, partner is having to take time off work to watch our little one. I am feeling utterly useless and worthless. The pain last night felt like labour pains and I was debating on a trip to a and e or not. Rode it out at home in the end. Just want to get on with my life but I can’t. This month has been awful. Period 7 days overdue and boy did it let me know it was here last night. Huge clots, pain in waves every couple of mins, exhaustion. Just lying here feeling very alone and fed up. ☹️
Endo flare: Just wanted to vent with people... - Endometriosis UK
Endo flare

Vent all you like..
I’m so sorry to hear your having such a bad flare up - that sucks!! 😔
Just remember YOU ARE NOT useless and worthless it is all part of this horrible disease we have been given with making you feel this way. This condition is mentally and physically draining in so many ways.
I understand what you mean when you say ‘you just want to get on with your life’.. We should be able too, but we just can’t and people don’t understand this that it does put a massive holt to things. I wish I had the answer for you to solve this - for all of us. It’s our way our minds work and our hormones being so messed up makes things 100x worse.
Could you speak to your GP regarding pain relief, maybe something to help reduce the bleeding so your not losing such big clots? Losing a lot of blood is draining on the body which will also then make you feel low.
Just remember you are NOT alone in this, and feeling fed up unfortunately quite normal for someone suffering with this disease. Maybe also speak to the GP about how your feeling? They may be able to help you out there also? We can feel very alone and fed up together as I’m feeling this way at the moment to - so I know it’s not nice😔 sounds like you have a good partner though with him taking time off work to look after your child.
I hope things get abit better for you soon.
Please take care, plenty of rest in bed and take it easy until you are ready to return back to your normal everyday duties xx
Thank you so so much for your kind words of support. Means so much.
Spoke to gp and gynae and having to wait for Mri and blood tests to see what is happening. Just feel so useless to my little girl and family having to rely on them for simple tasks and help with everyday tasks. I don’t live near my family so having to ask my partners family which is harder when they aren’t your own. They are so supportive though just makes me feel guilty and not good enough. Pain was so intense last night feel behind in everything. Just frustrating and making me low xxx
At least there are plans in place. Can’t you GP do you a blood test in the mean time just to make sure nothing else is showing up?
Just remember that you are NOT useless though even if you do feel like it. You can’t help that you are doubled over in pain and unable to do simple everyday tasks, unfortunately it’s part of the disease when your having flare ups that restrict you to your bed. Yes I understand that may be difficult but I’m sure there happy to help out especially when it is for a genuine reason that you are unable to. You don’t need to feel guilty I’m sure they wouldn’t want you feeling like that. And when you are feeling much better you will be able to thank them properly and maybe do something back in return for them if it is making you feel this way?
Well don’t suffer in silence this is what this is hear for. I’m currently feeling exactly the same with being so low and depressed cos of this horrid condition😔
Maybe also speak to your GP about how it is affecting you mentally if you haven’t already done so?xx
Don’t worry about venting, I think everyone knows how you are feeling and have been there. Regarding the bleeding there are drugs to help stop or slow it down speak to your GP. I have been on norethisterone & tranexamic acid, both stop the bleeding. I have no advice for the pain as I have tried most painkillers and to be honest have never found the one. Just remember you are not alone you have this whole community to vent at!!

Thank you so much for your kind words and advice. Mentally this is all so hard right now.
Try and get one of those stick on heat pads or a TENS machine. I use both with a bad flare. I also have a hot water bottle that wraps round my pelvis and back. I also have a gadget called Livia that helps me a lot too. Diet can help hugely with endo but you have to be super strict. Many foods are crazy endo triggers. There’s a lot of good endometriosis diet books on Amazon. Helps a lot I think. Painkillers I’ve never found one that touches my pain, even morphine. Hang in there and hope you feel better soon. (Till the next time) Nina.
The Livia Device is on Amazon I think. It sends electrical currents to divert the pain. I have mine on full power and it numbs the nerves somehow. Same as a TENS machine. Cutting out all sugar and wheat might also help. Good luck. Nina
I'm sorry to hear that you are feeling so rubbish- as if the pain isn't bad enough it is served with a lovely side helping of guilt!
I completely understand how you feel, I feel exactly the same when I am going through a flare and my very energetic kids are firing questions at me / wanting to do something or go somewhere and I simply don't have the energy or the capacity to do it. I want to be the best Mum in the world for them and really beat myself up when I'm not able.
Just try and remember that as horrible as it is, the flare will subside eventually. Sorry I can't offer more advice, I just wanted to say you are not alone! Sending lots of love x