I had a cystectomy in 2018 to remove a large cyst from right ovary. Surgeon advised no endometriosis as this was a concern due to family history.
Fast forward to 2023, severe pain again. Send for scans, further large cysts were found again in my right ovary. When I had catch up with GP she advised that this was normal given the endometriosis diagnosis and they were believed to be chocolate cysts. I didn’t have a clue about this, she located notes from the surgery and I indeed had endometriosis located on the previous surgery.
Further scans done and referred to gynaecology, had my surgery done on 5th April (finally after a cancellation on the day in February, whole other story) and endometriosis was present and excised. The consultant also confirmed the cysts had been removed, they also completed a dye test and it shows no blockage which was good, husband and I have been trying for 3 years with no success.
Had surgery completed via robotic surgery and have healed well.
About 2 weeks after surgery I was feeling a dragging pain when I went to the toilet, GP advised blood in urine therefore may be an infection and prescribed antibiotics for 7 days and if it continued I was to go back to GP. It continued so as they requested went back to GP. Sent me to local surgery assessment unit.
Stayed in overnight and had further scans done to see what was going on, they advised I now have a small cyst in left ovary and one in the right ovary which measures similar to the one that was supposed to be removed 4 weeks ago…. They confirmed that the consultant wouldn’t have missed it and that it is possible that it could have grown to this size in 4 weeks! But are sending me for another scan in 12 weeks time, they are also referring me for an MRI for the bladder feeling.
My last period was 22nd March and still no sign of period, I bled after the surgery for about 5 days on and off, would this be classed as period or not? I am getting concerned as no information was given to me about what would happen after surgery other than I shouldn’t pin my hopes on this surgery removing the pain and that the first couple of periods after the surgery would be painful. Does anyone have any advise or experience they could share with me?