Hi everyone,
Last year I had suspected endo and 2 ovarian cysts that were at least 12cm in size, one on my right ovary and one on my left. I went to a gynaecologist and she told me that they were most likely chocolate cysts but had a small possibility they could have been ovarian cancer. After an MRI scan the doctors had decided that the most likely thing was that they were chocolate cysts and that I had endometriosis. So my gynaecologist told me she would remove the cysts through open surgery where they would have to cut from my belly button down to my bikini line. When I questioned her on why it had to be open surgery (i really didn't want a massive scar) she told me that there were no other options because of the size of the cysts. I went ahead and had the surgery last year. After the surgery she told me that she had sucessfully removed both cysts but had had to take a small amount of my left ovary. She told me that because it was only a small amount my ovary should still be ok. She also told me that she could see that my fallopian tube had been squashed by the cysts on my right side and that I was at a greater risk now of ectopic pregnancy. I was due to get married a few months later so she told me to go away for 6 months and try for a baby and that if we had no luck to come back and see a gynaecologist again. After 6 months had been and gone I knew something wasn't right so went back to my doctors who put me through for an ultrasound where I found out I had another 12cm cyst on my right ovary. I went to see another gynaecologist (a different one from the one who had operated on me the first time) who told me that he (as an endometriosis specialist) had never seen endometriosis and chocolate cysts operated on using open surgery before. He also told me that it doesn't matter what size the cysts are because they can be drained via laparoscopy and that he was now going to have to operate on me again less than a year later than my first op to get rid of all my endometriosis and cyst (I was devastated I had to have more surgery so soon after the first op). After my second surgery the gynaecologist told my husband and mother that the surgeon before had actually taken almost all of my left ovary (A lot more of it than she had made out to us) and that it was unlikely to be releasing eggs. I am now 5 weeks post lap and awaiting my post op consulation in a few days time and I am really nervous about what I will find out. I just wanted to know if anyone else has had open surgery for endo and if anyone has been through anything similar?
P.s i've added some before and after photos of my first surgery. On the left is what ny belly looked like with the huge cysts while laying on my back and on the right is my belly about a week after open surgery.