Alcohol and endo : Hi everyone, I've yet to... - Endometriosis UK

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Alcohol and endo

Lavenderpetal profile image
23 Replies

Hi everyone,

I've yet to try alcohol yet since being suspected of having endo. I haven't drunk alcohol in over a year and a half since getting sick and having endo suspected. I have a big social event I would like to drink at soon but I'm so scared. Basically I wanted to know how everyone has felt after having alcohol, is it worth it to even try?

Thank you ❤️

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Lavenderpetal profile image
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23 Replies
Purplestar86 profile image

Hi Lavenderpetal,Everyone is different and we all respond in our own ways.

I personally have never had an issue with drinking alcohol over the last few years. I'm not a big drinker, just the likes of special occasions like what you're attending. I have stage 4 endo and a brain tumour so was super cautious and thankfully don't suffer many side effects.

As long as you take it easy and know your limits, you won't know unless you try.

Have a great time whatever you choose though 🥰

Lavenderpetal profile image
Lavenderpetal in reply to Purplestar86

I'm so sorry to hear about your diagnosis Purplestar86. Thank you so much for replying. I have since tried 2 glasses of wine and woke up feeling semi ok. My days of getting drunk are definitely behind me😂. Thank you for the advice💗💗💗

Pacotj profile image

This will depend entirely on each individual. I would recommend having a drink or two at home before your event first and seeing how your body responds. For me personally, alcohol isn’t worth the flare up it causes so I don’t drink at all but everyone responds differently to different things!

OlgaSz profile image
OlgaSz in reply to Pacotj

Same here, I have the worst flare ups after any drink, so I just stopped drinking completely. Even alcohol free beer (the one that has less than 0.5% alcohol) causes my flare ups! Although it may be it's gluten content that plays it's part as well.

Lavenderpetal profile image
Lavenderpetal in reply to Pacotj

Thank you for your advice. I've since tried 2 glasses of wine and I woke up semi ok. I can imagine anymore I would have flared up though. Its definitely something to be cautious about now unfortunately x

fl0w3rbloom profile image

hey :) for me personally alcohol gives me bad endo flares that are debilitating, but it varies for everyone. i have a friend that can drink every week who has endo and feels fine so i’d say its personal. whatever your body is telling you 😇 and you can always try a little and see how you react to gauge how to go from there xx

Lavenderpetal profile image
Lavenderpetal in reply to fl0w3rbloom

Thank you for your advice! I'm sorry you flare up so bad:( I've since tried 2 glasses of wine and I woke up semi ok. A few aches in my abdomen but that's normal for me. Guess it's all about moderation now😊💗

fl0w3rbloom profile image
fl0w3rbloom in reply to Lavenderpetal

no problem at all :) (also our usernames are so similar in vibe 🥹) i’m glad that the wine didn’t react severely with you. bless you i can imagine, of course 🥰 you know your body best and certain alcohols i can imagine will be milder than others. vodka is my worst just because of the gluten content but wines tend to be a lot calmer 🤞🏽xx

Sunset-lady profile image

Although everyone is different, alcohol causes inflammation and endo is an inflammatory disease. For me, it's like throwing petrol on a fire. It makes my face puff up too and all my joints ache. If it's in your head to drink then you probably will so make sure you take lots of water and food with it to counteract the effects. Xxx

DutchVanderling profile image
DutchVanderling in reply to Sunset-lady

Interesting -I don’t usually drink, had one last night and now my joints are killing me and my face is really puffy - I’d stupidly never made the connection between endo and alcohol before. This is very useful to know

Lavenderpetal profile image
Lavenderpetal in reply to Sunset-lady

That makes a lot of sense, thank you for your advice it's made me look at it differently. I have since tried some wine but woke up semi OK with a few pains. I think it's something to limit to fun occasional social events. Definitely can't drink like I used to anymore x

Sunset-lady profile image
Sunset-lady in reply to Lavenderpetal

As you age you metabolise alcohol differently. I cannot tolerate it now; it adds nothing to my life. Everyone is different so just do what feels right for you xx

Cam66926 profile image

I have an ultrasound on Monday for suspected endo, I have noticed that stronger alcohols give me cramping and achy joints. I can drink just one glass of sparkling wine and I make sure to eat food and lots of water so I don’t feel worse later on.

KezMurr profile image

Life is too short. Try it and see. Maybe it won't affect you in the same way it affects others. It causes my endo and rheumatoid arthritis to flare but that doesn't mean I'll never drink again. If it's a special occasion and I want to, then I will! Eat lots of anti-inflammatory foods in the days previous e.g. 2 servings of leafy greens, 1/2 cup brocolli, 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric, 1tbsp of flaxseeds ground, etc. I add a banana, dairy free milk and a blob of dates syrup to that list and turn it into a smoothie. I have it everyday and it's been amazing for preventing flares.

Lavenderpetal profile image
Lavenderpetal in reply to KezMurr

Oh wow i must try that smoothie! Thank you for your advice. You are so right life is too short but its scary living with constant fear of aggravating the pain! I did since try some wine and it seemed to be okay for me just the usual pain in the morning I always have💗

KezMurr profile image
KezMurr in reply to Lavenderpetal

No problem! It's such an easy way to get in lots of anti inflammatory foods, alcohol consumption aside. Wine is actually a great drink to pick! One thing I forgot to mention is that red wine, in particular, actually has anti-inflammatory properties due to its high concentration of polyphenols. This has been evidenced by quite a lot of published studies, so that might put your mind at ease. All alcohol is not created equal :)

I also get that pain every morning! Kind of like a dragging/pulling pain in my uterus/bowels from the endo! Xx

Annabelannabel profile image


I have stage 4 endo of the bowel and I'm quite a heavy drinker. Yes it can be hard sometimes after but to be honest quality of life and being able to let my hair down is more important. I'll suffer drinking or not. Because I always drank maybe my body's used to it. I will be giving it up before my op but I've got to ween off of it because I have a couple of beers every night and loads over the weekend. I have stopped drinking for 3 months before and I did notice the benefits on my body but it was bloody boring I took up loads of hobbies and things to keep me busy but for me a drink with my pals once the weeks done or celebrating my successes with my partner is great relaxation and find it benefits my mental health. I never regret it. I do diet and eat healthy everyday I cycle to work 3/4 times a week and I go sailing as much as I feel able to but my body does suffer more extreme exercises which I hope to feel the benefit after my op. I feel lucky most women can't drink with endo. I'm on zoladex too and don't think it makes much odds for me either.

ItsaGthing profile image

If you wanted to social drink I shouldn’t think it would be problematic for 1 evening.

But where the problem can come is sustained constant binge drinking for example in the evenings. As alcoholism brings inflammation & that’s precisely what we don’t need any more of with Endo.

It also depends what stage you are at and where Your Endo is predominantly. So difficult to answer online. However I am glad that you are perhaps feeling strong enough to socialise after being low a year & half back when diagnosed?

All the best with finding a workable routine.

Bee95m profile image

I suppose everyone is different as I know some people who have flare ups after drinking however I definitely drink more than is advised and I’m very lucky it doesn’t flare me up - if I’ve been on holiday and have over indulged that usually sets me off but just a cheeky weekend/evening Bev doesn’t do me much harm. I’d say go for it and have fun! If you have pain meds that work for you maybe take those before and after just incase x

Lindle profile image

Remember your body is still the same as before you were suspected of having endo so you will probably be affected however you were before. But having not had any for a year and then suddenly drinking might be an issue as it could be for anyone. I’d at least have a few trial runs rather than waiting for the event. Alcohol increases oestrogen levels so can aggravate endo.

Greenlady48 profile image


Everyone is unique

For me giving up alcohol altogether has saved me having huge flare us

I was never a big drinker but it settled a lot better after quitting

Nearly 2 years completely booze free and feel so much better for it.

Good luck with whatever you choose for yourself.

Summer95 profile image

have you tried drinking the seltzers? Like trulys or white claws? They seem to not make me have a hangover or feel as inflamed

endowarrior12 profile image

I can only speak for myself but alcohol is for sure a trigger for a flare up. My brother got married last year and I had a class of champagne through the day and one gin at night time and was okay. But otherwise I just stay clear of it, I’ve found now that a don’t enjoy it as I used to (probably due to the mountain of pain meds I’m on) 🤦‍♀️🤣. I hope you can enjoy the event ahead 😊 x

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