Is weeing a lot mainly seen in severe cases? - Endometriosis UK

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Is weeing a lot mainly seen in severe cases?

pinkie25 profile image
13 Replies

I went for a wee like 5 times when we visited my nanny today and we can’t have been there much more than about 5 hours. Mum asked if weeing a lot is a symptom of endometriosis and I said I think it is if it grows on your bladder or if your bladder gets inflammation, but isn’t that only severe cases? (I didn’t drink a lot, only two small glasses of water)

I’m diagnosed yet it’s just suspected


If it’s a wee infection then I’ve had it for a very long time and mum just said before to drink more water and didn’t want to take me to the doctors. Also my doctor still hasn’t responded to me after I asked online for him to send my ultrasound report, it’s been two working days and I can’t access it myself on the Airmid app cause I clicked on request access yesterday, it had changed to requesting access and now it’s changed back to request access and I still have no access to my medical records.

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pinkie25 profile image
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13 Replies

I saw a consultant this week and I asked why I wee a lot; he said it’s not a symptom of endometriosis on the bladder - but it could be pelvic floor dysfunction, mine is super tight. Pelvic floor dysfunction is a symptom of endo I believe. Xx

pinkie25 profile image
pinkie25 in reply to

Was it a specialist who told you that? Cause I’ve read people saying if it grows on your bladder it can cause frequent urination

Kloe1998 profile image
Kloe1998 in reply to pinkie25

My GP told me that all of my symptoms were not symptoms of endometriosis even though I told her that I had done a test and it had come back positive. I would go off what other people's symptoms are like with endo rather than doctors because they go off the stereotypical symptoms.

Not saying that this lady's consultant is like this, they might be very good, just going off my experience x ☺️

Endofitall profile image

There can be lots of causes for frequent urination - grumbling infection (UTI), thrush, diabetes, pelvic floor dysfunction (common in endo patients). Worth a full GP assessment.

Endolemon profile image

I had Endo removed from the bladder. And I was going for a wee a lot before the operation. I felt pressure when I was sitting. It has improved now.

Once I had cystitis which only stopped after 3 weeks on antibiotics 🤦🏻‍♀️💛

Starry1977 profile image

i can’t hold my wee very long. I had endo removed from bladder surface and I have a large womb due to adenomoysis. I think it’s because it’s heavy and presses on it. I went about 3 times in an hour last night before I dropped to sleep. 🤦‍♀️ Im also nearly 50 though, so that probably doesn’t help either.

AllthatGlitters profile image

I pee a lot too, have done for years, I can’t pass a toilet without going in it, I have endo and adenomyosis. I think my uterus is pressing on lots of organs because it’s larger than what it should be, compared to other people without this condition I urinate a lot more than them. Just another lovely symptom we have to live with 😏

Rainbow2468 profile image

Hi there yes i pee loads, especially if I've drunk water, even a small glass of water can set me off. Worse when I'm sat down too. I even avoid drinking anything for at least an hour, before going on long journeys or anywhere without a loo. Hope you have a lovely day x

Sabrinacolada profile image


As other people have said above there can be many reasons for urinating more. So its worth discussing with a GP if you havent already to rule out basic stuff like uti/cystitis.

Long story short I am stage 4 with adenomyosis - I had an endometresiosis nodule on my ureter so had alot of urinary urgency, pain, urinating blood that had been mimicking cystitis for a long time ( sending urine away never found bacteria). As you had already said endo can also be on the bladder ( something I suspected but I was told at diagnostic lap the bladder looked fine). It was about 6 months after my diagnostic lap I saw an endo specialist who said the images from the op showed the ureters affected by endo.

Once this was identified I was told to see a urogenital specialist and I needed surgery with a multidisciplinary team ( endo, colorectal and urogenital surgeon).

I had multidisciplinary surgery sept 24 and stents were used to free the lesions from the ureter. The symptoms are alot better ( not painful or urinating blood as often). I still feel I urinate more but have been having pelvic floor physio thus know I likely have some degree of pelvic muscle dysfunction from the stage 4 endo/ scarring remaining probably a factor.

I used to track symptoms and certainly found urinary signs worse at ovulation/ menses. May be worth tracking to see if any pattern. Track also if any colorectal symptoms, fatigue, pelvic limb or back pain etc can be useful. In hindsite even seemingly unrelated issues were misdiagnosed endo for me!

Hope any of this helps.

❤️ Sabrina x

BloomingMarvellous profile image

First place. Check it’s not an infection- you can do that at most GP’s by dropping a urine sample in. With endo you can be more prone to UTI’s so do keep on top of that.

Signals from the bladder can get very confused with endo and often we don’t necessarily understand some of the background neurological processes involved when it’s not the result of infection .

Part of the problem can be the pelvic floor being in spasm and tight, it overstimulates the nerves in the area making you feel like you need to pee. In fact you can make the situation far worse by becoming dehydrated. It might sound counterintuitive but trust me it’s a thing.

Two things- beyond checking for a UTI - you could do is to address the overtight pelvic floor ( try @corerecoverypt for useful information) and increase your water intake volume. Not just fluids - alcoholic, Sugary, flavoured or other drinks can irritate the bladder as well so priority is straight water. Exact Intake should be calculated on height and weight but reasonable start point is 2 litres per day spread out in small quantities. Never force urine out , don’t do preemptive wees as it causes mixed messaging to your brain and body making it think it needs to go more often , on the loo either use a potty squatty or stretch the legs out wide and long in front of you and wait to empty. You’ll end up going less frequently overall , building up the amount you can hold and less reactive bladder messaging and be far less likely to getting infections.

DutchVanderling profile image

I’m prone to UTI’s and I’ve had an asymptomatic case of theism before which caused it so definitely get yourself checked for those via wee sample at your docs.

It can be down to different factors. How much water do you drink, have you always gone to the loo a lot, nature/nurture can come in with learned behaviour (is your brain making you more paranoid and more needing if the toilet because of it) - I doubt that and would say it’s more likely either down to infection or like others have said, bladder pressing due to endo. It could be adeno, it could be pelvic floor dys, it could be so many things - so definitely make an appt to get it checked out and to get a better idea of what it is - with frequency increasing only a trained medical professional is gonna be able to give you a proper answer and hopefully a solution.🙏

astitchintime profile image

I used to eat a lot of fruit that included pineapple and melons that resulted in my weeing a lot and was then called "irritable bladder", as well as recently tomato ketchup triggers the weeing a lot. Have you looked at your diet? Coke drink sets it off. I did go to the hospital and they did some embarassing test.

pinkie25 profile image
pinkie25 in reply to astitchintime

I eat the same sorts of things and it’s worse some days but it’s not obviously from eating certain things. Mum before thought maybe squash like the drink was irritating my bladder but I don’t actually drink much squash

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