Has anybody had endo on the bladder but not on the reproductive organs?
I have had all of the symptoms of endo, and was worried about my fertility, so I had the lap. Because my main concern was fertility the surgeon looked at my womb and ovaries, everything was clear and I was relieved of course. My pill helps control the symptoms so I have just continued with this. However, I get a lot of bladder related issues. I have symptoms of a urine infection but no infection, I've had visible blood in my wee and passed a little lump. The urologist asked about my previous worries of endo and he said bladder endo could cause my symptoms. So if my surgeon didn't look at the bladder, could it be there but everything else clear because she told me if it's not on my reproductive organs its not likely to be anywhere else?! Help I'm a bit stuck now on what to do next....