I'm day 5 post first lap and still feel really spaced out and dizzy after GA. Pain is getting better I'm off the strong meds but was on morphine for a couple of days. Moving around better but after a couple of hours out of bed I'm straight back wiped out. Is this normal? I did have a lot done in terms of stage 4 DIE excision. Huge respect to all of you who have went through multiple surgeries, recovery is much harder than I expected.
Advice re dizziness 5 days post op - Endometriosis UK
Advice re dizziness 5 days post op

Hi, it takes up to two weeks to get GA out of your system so you will still be tired and dizzy. Get plenty of rest and let your body heal xxx
Both my laparoscopies I’ve felt extremely tired and dizzy after small exertions eg standing to make a small dinner (mostly reheating!) or short shower (haven’t even tried to wash my hair in first week). So yes can be completely normal. But if you don’t feel well I would still get checked over to make sure things are okay. If you have a fever, your wounds look redder or you have new bruising, feel short of breath or your heart racing then especially important to seek medical help urgently.
Thanks for your reply. I'm glad it's not just me! Day 6 post op and no idea when I'll be able to wash my hair! Scared to get the wound dressings too wet in the shower. I thought my belly button wound was infected yesterday as I had a mild fever but im a bit better today. Can't believe how much the GA has wiped me out. With my c section I was out of bed after 6 hours and never lay down again. With the lap I've been in bed all week x
When I had mine I never experienced server pain or had morphine or anything after, it was sore for around 2 weeks to stand straight but nothing were I'd have to stay in bed. I recommend you calling the doctors or hospital and ask to be sure, doesn't sound like you should be that bad in my option. But everyone is different