Hi everyone,
I had a laparoscopy in 2018 and had mild endometriosis tissue removed from my pelvis, and two cysts removed (one being an endometrioma).
I have started having pain again the last couple of years and have been back to the doctors a few times as I felt I had an ovarian cyst again. However, by the time I get referred for an ultra sound months have gone past and they say they’ve found nothing!… and on goes the cycle!
The last 6 months I’ve began getting horrendous pain again, contraction like pains in my pelvis which is unbearable! And can last up to an hour with intense pain in episodes.. and a dull pain I can only describe as just been kicked in the stomach and makes me feel nauseous the rest of the time. This isn’t constant, I seem to go through flare ups.
sorry for the waffle! The reason I’m not sure what this could be is the last time I went to the doctor they told me my surgical notes said my previous pain was unlikely to be from endo (although this is the first I’ve heard of this!) I had the coil removed after surgery as some pain carried on and this seemed to stop the pain at the time.
The reason I write this post is I got to the point on Thursday night I was in so much pain I nearly passed out and was sweating ridiculous amounts (my partner put a cold towel on me and slowly I came round from being half unconscious). I have been reading on the forum about Adenomyosis and also how this can affect bowels. I’m finding the pain is sometimes linked to bowel movement and also I can feel pain in my ovary and pelvis if pressure is put on my bum (sorry sounds strange!) if I sit down or push just below my tailbone. I find myself forever googling what do symptoms feel like with endo/adeno and just would really appreciate any information or if you may have been through anything similar? Thanks so much and appreciate it xxx