Hi there I'm new to this and would love some advice. I have had gynaecological problems for years and I've always had heavy painful periods, the last 2 years have been the worst. I get severe pain starting from ovulation lasting until after my period, plus stabbing pains in my pelvis nearly everyday. Not only is the pain in my pelvis though but as weird as this sounds I get pain in my bum and down my legs, not to mention the near constant back ache. I also have severe pain when going to the toilet near and during my period and I'm constantly tired. Sorry for the essay but I would really love some advice, do my symptoms sound like endo? Thanks x
Unsure whether or not I have endo, what w... - Endometriosis UK
Unsure whether or not I have endo, what were your symptoms?

Hi I would say it's defiantly possible the pains you have could be endo. I was only diagnosed last year at 42 and have been suffering with all the pains you have mentioned. I also have suspected adenomyosis. Have you been to the Drs?
Hi thanks for your reply. Yes I've been to the doctors many many times and have tried quite a few different tablets which didn't help at all, I went to see a different doctor and I've finally been referred to an endometriosis clinic on the 3rd may x
Hi lizzyxx,
You might find the following information sheets from Endometriosis UK helpful:
"Understanding Endometriosis" which explains more about the condition and lists typical symptoms:
and "Consultant Questionnaire" which may help to get your symptoms and feelings together before your appointment:
Hope this helps and good luck with your appointment!
Volunteer Moderator
I’m still waiting for a lap but doctors think I have endo. My symptoms are painful periods with heavy bleeding and clots. Blood in my stool and urine during my period and pain when going toilet. Constant back ache and pains in my lower stomach that differ in the month. Painful sex, tiredness, bloating and nausea. X
Your symptoms are almost identical to mine, do you get pain in your bum too like almost a feeling of squeezing/pressure? x
Yeah it can feel like pressure but also during my period I can get a shooting pain in my bum which really hurts. Xx
Yeah it can feel like pressure but also during my period I can get a shooting pain in my bum which really hurts. Xx
I get that too it goes down my legs aswel, did they say that could mean it's on your bowel? xx
Well I get blood in my bowel during my period (sorry tmi haha) but the doctor said it’s most like spreading to my bowel and bladder now. And could be inside my bowel 😫. It can mean it’s on your bowel or POD as well but I haven’t been diagnosed via laparoscopy yet xx
Yeah I do too, they thought I had ulcerative colitis but that was ruled out. I'm definitely starting to think I have endo and after years of complaining to my doctor I've finally been referred to a specialist, hoping they suggest a lap xx
I saw a private specialist and he suggested a lap straight away as it’s the only way to confirm it. So hopefully the specialist you see will do the same, however where I live it’s a 23 week waiting list for a lap 😫 xx
I've just stalked all your posts aha, isn't it frustrating when doctors make you feel like it's all in your head! We know our body's and we know when somethings not right, out of a typical month I'd say there's about 7 days in total where I'm not in agony and that's not normal xx
Hahaha and yeah I have like a week where I’m not in any sort of pain. Rest of the month I’m in pain especially my period and ovulation. It took paying £214 at spire in order for my doctors to allow me to have a lap as they think I’m too young to have endo and surgery xx
I have really painful ovulation too to the point it will wake me during the night, there's no age limit on medical conditions just stupid isn't it. Have you received a date for your lap yet? xx
Nope it’s been a month I think now but could be waiting up to 23 weeks here so the doctor gave me stronger painkillers until I get a date xx
I don't cope well with painkillers I can only take neurofen as anything stronger makes me sick xx
Painkillers don’t work for me but I’m gonna try them. Apparently one of them will just knock me out haha and make me really sleepy xx
I've tried tramadol and codeine in the past but both made me violently sick, which hospital are you with? xx
Yeah I’ve tried them both and Royal Oldham xx
Are they specialised in endo? I'm with pinderfields in Wakefield, was only a 3 week wait for an appointment so I'm happy I didn't have to wait the usual 6-8 xx
Yeah they are, I’ve done my research haha and it was 42 days waiting to see a gynae and god knows when my surgery is xx
Hopefully it won't be too long xx
Hopefully not, every time the postman arrives I’m like praying it’s my letter 😂 xx
It's awful isn't it but you're nearly there, I'm just hoping the specialist I'm going to see takes me seriously and doesn't fob me off like my gp did xx
Hi, I'm new here too I was diagnosed a few months ago and reading your post thought Id pop a quick reply, the symptoms you've mentioned sound very similar to the symptoms I have the stabbing pelvic pain daily is the hardest one for me, really hope you feel better soon and good luck with your appointment x