how do you know when ur making the right decision .. help! stressed!!
quick background..
ivf x 3 to success. Ten year ago
Laparoscopy eight years ago - superficial endometriosis
Pain ever since every other month one side.
last six months pain stabbing left ovary - scan couldn’t find that ovary behind bowel but endometrioma on other side.
decapeptyl injection to confirm it’s ovary and endo because I have a large scar across stomach from spinal fusion so could also be scar tissue.
Injection brutal side effects so think going ahead with ovaries and tubes out and she said she can remove superficial endo but not if more severe. She kept saying it may not sure cure the pain - am I sure etc. I’m 50.
Can you ever be sure?! I have time to change mind but the pain before the injection was horrendous.. I think I know it’s right answer but any thoughts may help me 😊