I’m new here & this is post number one.
In 2010 I was diagnosed with stage 4 endometriosis, following a laparoscopic attempt to remove both ovaries. Only one could be removed at the time as my second one was not visible due to extensive endo. Following a horrendous time on Zolodex, to reduce the bleeding endo, I had a total, abdominal hysterectomy & unilateral, salpingo-oophorectomy ( remaining ovary with Fallopian tube removed ) A colorectal surgeon was also involved in my surgery due to bowel involvement. Following a troublesome recovery, wound issues, I have been pain free.
At the end of May 2020, I was rushed in to A&E with acute, severe, left lower abdominal pain. After a bucket full of analgesics, I was diagnosed with “ constipation (not) and a fever (38.8) of unknown origin. I was advised to go home, and I would feel significantly better once I’d had my bowels open I was also instructed to take Movicol to get the whole process going. 8 sachets later and my bowel habit remained it’s normal self, I was not constipated at all. I have now been suffering with right sided abdominal pain, at times similar to old endo pain, extending down from under my rib cage down to my appendix scar. Other than continuing to spike a temperature daily, right sided pain and now weight loss, I have no other symptoms of note.
Does anyone know, or can anyone advise me if the pain I’m experiencing could possibly be, reactivated endometriosis? I have never taken HRT due to a strong family history of ovarian cancer, so no estrogen to trigger activity.
I’ve been referred to both colorectal & gynaecology consultants, but in this time of COVID there are inevitable delays here. Sorry, it’s a bit of a long post.
Keep safe X