Hello, I'm hoping someone else may have had a similar experience and can offer some advice. I had extensive endo surgery last week, a lot was removed and a part of my bowel/ rectum, vagina and kidney tubes were removed and stuck back together. Since I woke up form the operation I haven't been able to wee. My bladder is retaining everything and I can only let a small bit of urine out, so I went into shock twice and had to be re-cathetherised. They tried me a few times but it never woke up and so I am having to use a catheter for at least two weeks before they try again. I also cannot poo without an enema and lots of laxatives since the operation.
I can cope with the pain of the operation but the toilet situation is really depressing me. They also won't let me out of the hospital until my bowels start to move independently. I feel like they probably will but I'm worried about my bladder never waking up and always having to use a catheter.
Has anyone else had this problem after surgery?