Hi everyone,
I have always had painful heavy periods, irregular as in can come early or be late. But have never missed a month entirely.
For the last six months I have been having a dull ache on my right side of my stomach, gets more painful days prior to periods and esp. during. (Not appendix as had it removed as a child).
My lower stomach seems to be bloated and painful regardless of time of month. When I am coming up to my period I have pain across lower stomach going into pelvis has become more painful going into my groin/thighs. Which I’ve never had before.
I have had pain when needing to go to the toilet for a wee or poo. Again find the pain radiates around the lower right not always but mostly there. Have had shooting pains up my bum where I had to stop and hold on to something walking around in Tesco I thought I was going to pass out!!
I’ve always suffered with UTI’s and feeling, had bladder stretch 4 yrs ago and put it down to Intersistal cystitis.
GP did stool samples and bloods all came back clear. So referred me down the gynae route.
Had an internal examination which when the nurse was pressing on my pelvis was extremely painful. I had an external and internal ultrasound which both came back clear.
Not really sure where to go from here, many thanks for reading and sharing advice.