Has anyone had a hysterectomy to help with endo pain and did it work? I’m 30 and yes, I know I am young but I have also suffered with severe endo pain for 15 years and have literally tried all options provided to me with nothing working. I’m gay, so if I want children in the future then I will adopt. I don’t know how much longer I can take of this pain.
Hysterectomy at 30: Has anyone had a... - Endometriosis UK
Hysterectomy at 30

Hello MegVarny sorry to hear you’ve been in pain for so long.
I am 34 and had a hysterectomy last year to end my endo pain. I have one child through IVF so it was still a big decision but my quality of life and trying to look after a little one when I was in pain for at least 2 weeks every month is what led me to choosing a hysterectomy.
I had tried every other option over a decade to try and help my pain and whilst some options like the implant or the coil worked for 6-9 months I always ended up with the same pain and needed surgery to remove the endometriosis.
I had a total hysterectomy so everything removed including ovaries and cervix. I found the recovery after the op fine just tired for quite some time after it. I was put on HRT patches straight away so I avoided the dip in hormones. I would say the last few months the patches haven’t been working for me as well as they were in the beginning but I’m due my post op check up next month (18 months post op).
You can opt to keep both ovaries or ovary to regulate your hormones still, but for me that’s what was causing the most issues where I would get cysts etc and I didn’t want more surgeries in the future.
I will say I haven’t had any pain since, which for me has been life changing for my family and work wise. I’ve been able to exercise/walk more without having a flare up or anything afterwards.
Hope this helps a little.
Good luck
thanks for sharing. Is the fatigue gone after the operation? 🥰
Yes it is now. It did take a good 6-8 weeks for that to go though.
I would say how the things I’m experiencing with HRT is headaches and trouble sleeping. I was meant to have post op check after 6 months but unfortunately that hasn’t happened. I’m hoping to talk through these symptoms with the doctor and see what they suggest.
I’m 36 and on a waiting list for mine. I was offered the surgery over 2 years ago but as my youngest child was only little, therefore still needed dressed and lifted in to the car etc, at the time decided to exhaust every other option available to delay it.
Wish I’d just had it done then because this isn’t living it’s just a miserable existence!
Sorry to hear your suffering. Like you I tried absolutely all options thrown my way, including 7 surgical procedures but nothing worked. Even with not having a monthly I still continued to get cycle pain. I had a hysterectomy at age 31 leaving both my ovaries in, my consultant refused to remove them due to my age and the complications it would cause later in life. 11 months after that I ended up having my left ovary removed leaving just the 1 remaining ovary. I was pretty much pain free for 4 years but unfortunately for me since January ive been back in horrendous pain so I’m waiting to see my consultant once again! I would say unless you have absolutely everything removed and the menopause brought on then it’s only a temporary fix. Sorry I can’t be of much help but this is my experience of having a hysterectomy. I wish I had a magic wand I could offer. Wishing you all the best x