Prostap monthly injections .Any advice pl... - Endometriosis UK

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Prostap monthly injections .Any advice please

K2023 profile image
18 Replies


My consultant has decided to give me Prostap monthly,starting next week.I have always avoided hormone treatments as I have never done well on contraceptives huge side affects.I’m really worried on the affects of this.He’s made the decision based on the constant pain I’m in,I’ve been on MTD waiting list since July due to having retroperitoneal nodule on left ureter and mass adhesions,he said my anatomy is completely distorted.He also announced today he is going to do a complete hysterectomy inthe operation.It’s been quite a day with a lot to take in .Hope someone can advice and share their experience.



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K2023 profile image
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18 Replies
Kazh1209 profile image

hi lovely,

I’m on my second round of prostap using tibolone as add back hrt. I would say that prostap has improved my symptoms to shrink back the endo to allow my hysterectomy to happen a year ago. I’m now back on both because they want to take my ovaries, endo has now attacked my bowel so awaiting a new op date followed by open bowel surgery. I would say it’s worth a go and if you don’t get on with it you can choose to not have the next one? It takes a few months as it sends your hormones a little crazy the first couple of months but would advise hrt alongside if you can take it. If you need any extra info feel free to message.


K2023 profile image
K2023 in reply to Kazh1209

Thank you so much for your reply,I’m a bit concerned as it seems he’s only giving me prostap and not any back up hrt.He said he is going to move me up on the list as priority so should be done in few months,but think he was pacifying me as I was put on priority back in July .All seems a bit thrown at me.When I go for it next week should I question not having the back up Hrt ?. By what I have read most people are prepared regarding hormones for hysterectomy ,he is taking everything ,not sure about cervix ,he just said complete hysterectomy,I was nervous about the MTD as it was, but now this has just thrown me into complete panick .especially as for 10 months I have been told no I don’t need hysterectomy .Sorry about the long message.I hope you are doing ok and don’t have to wait to much longer for your operation.

Kazh1209 profile image
Kazh1209 in reply to K2023

I would definitely bring up the conversation of hrt. Tibolone is a natural chemical made by the body so has less side effects than others. Also you can request your hospital notes if you want them. I found that I had adenomyosis when they took my womb out but I was never told. I had everything but my ovaries removed as they thought they looked perfect but now full of cysts. Would have been easier if they did that the first time. X

K2023 profile image
K2023 in reply to Kazh1209

it really is crazy how they go about treating us,you have to put your trust in them ,but sometimes what they say just doesn’t make sense or is even in our best interest ,the more operations they do the more they cause other problems,I was like that 6 years ago,treat for cysts and then received a report that they found adenomyosis no treatment options ,so here now with retroperitoneal nodule around ureter and bowel distorting the rest,if they had treat it 6 years ago wouldn’t be in this predicament of 7th operation . I hope you are sorted after this one ,I do appreciate your insight and iam definitely going to mention it .x

Sarah858 profile image
Sarah858 in reply to Kazh1209

I agree if the injections don't agree with you without hrt ...

You need hrt ....

Sarah858 profile image

Prostap and Zoladex are types of drug called gonadotrophin-releasing hormone analogues (GnRHa) I had zolodex for pmdd I was on these injections for 15 months as my pmdd was really bad ... These injections where fantastic for me , however they do what the injection is for to put your body in a better menopause, so after taking these continuously I started to loose my hair .. the pattern for these injection is 3 months on 3 months off .. I didn't do that I refused to come off them. But if you decide to have them do the 3months on and off to give your ovaries a boost....

I ended up pregnant after the 15 months of zolodex so my hair grew back ... but if I hadn't of got pregnant I'd be a shrivelled hairless mess .....

Sarah858 profile image

If you don't want a hysterectomy tell him ..!! Hopefully if you have the injections you will see a difference but that's your decision not theirs.

Good luck!

K2023 profile image
K2023 in reply to Sarah858

thank you for your advice ,is the hair loss dramatic ? I’m already thinned due to thyroid and constant low serum ferritin and B12 deficiency .He said I would have the injections monthly until the operation ,which should be in next few months . I’m definitely not sure about full hysterectomy it’s going to take some convincing that I should .

Sarah858 profile image

The things I wish someone had told me before taking these is ; Take probiotics for your gut health

Take hair nail vitamins (zinc and copper)

Vitamin C, D I also take minerals - Irish moss this has 92 minerals in just to keep on top of the things that disappear whilst taking the injections.

Take b12

My hair was an issue for me..

But I think if I'd done the vitamin route whilst on them, it wouldn't have been that bad.

But other than this, these injections got me thru university, and i was a completely different person on them. Happy with no anxiety, and I'm grateful for that hair or not xxx

Sarah858 profile image
Sarah858 in reply to Sarah858

They've told me the same thing about a hysterectomy I refused point blank ... this is your body not theirs pain or not ...

If these injections work you can postponed and idea of a hysterectomy if that's what you want ....!!

I won't have one because there's every chance I will go into a depression hole and never come out of it ..where as now I do get a brake sometimes, other times its hurrendous ....

Remember this is your decision your body ....

Good luck !!

K2023 profile image
K2023 in reply to Sarah858

Thank you so much,I will definitely get the vitamins ,it’s been so much to take in since Saturday but least I feel bit prepared for the prostap.The hysterectomy he just announced on Saturday he done diagnostic lap in July and said I didn’t need one then read my notes on Saturday and said I would be foolish not too.My head was spinning when I came out. It is good to know you refused as I think that’s were I’m heading ,I fear the depression too and I’m so close to menapause age ,seems crazy to have hysterectomy now after first being diagnosed 30 years ago.

Hope your journey with this goes as best as it can .thank you best wishes .

Sarah858 profile image
Sarah858 in reply to K2023

Hormone test should be done after you've had your period .. 3 days I think I'm not 100% sure.This shows your hormones properly ..

As I'm perimenopausal at the gynaecology office but not at the doctors ..

Also being treated for it but I'm.not perimenopausal at the doctors ! Lol.

Sarah858 profile image
Sarah858 in reply to K2023

Tell them if he does a hysterectomy your going to start legal action or ask for a female gynaecologist. You are allowed to do this.Second opinion

He needs your consent!

I work for the NHS I know they have to accept your answer don't let them convince you otherwise. Its your body not theirs xx

Purple_Badgers profile image

Hi! I’m on about month 9 of Prostap. I tried it without HRT at first, but had aching limbs, headaches and lots of hot flushes, so after 3 months, the consultant added Tibolone too. My endo pain is now manageable and I’m feeling fairly comfortable in that respect. I still have a few hot flushes, but not as frequently or anywhere near as intense.

Like you, I’m on the waiting list for an operation to remove endo & release adhesions and have a hysterectomy at the same time. I was undecided about hysterectomy, but after trying Prostap I realised I never want a period again (and won’t mind missing out on the uncertainty/waiting around for natural menopause!).

My age was a significant factor, as at 45 (now 46) I had finished trying for a baby and was feeling like there could be many years of awful, painful periods etc for years to come. I know that hysterectomy/ menopause is not a cure for endo, but it’s the right option for me to give the best chance of feeling well ( notwithstanding other health issues, of course!).

Wishing you the best of luck with it all xxxx

K2023 profile image
K2023 in reply to Purple_Badgers

thank you ,I appreciate your advice,I’m 48 next month so I think initially felt like a blow to get close to natural menopause but if this prostap stops the pain until the operation then (phew ) .Crazy what we have to go through to be pain free.

Wish you the best and thanks again for you’re information.xx

Sarah858 profile image
Sarah858 in reply to Purple_Badgers

You should find as time goes on the the flushes will stop. Anxiety can also agrivate hot fushes so try and manage your anxieties too ( if you have them).It good you've decided on not wanting a period again. I'm quite the opposite and after a certain amount of time I become psychosomatic and dream about having periods and blood (crazy i know) this is where I'm assuming my body wants to have a period...

Good luck x

K2023 profile image
K2023 in reply to Sarah858

I cried all the way home,after 37 years of periods and what came with them,I should be happy,but I cried about not realising my last one was my last one and not being able to naturally go in to menopause .I have my appointment today and dreading it .I suffer badly with anxiety too. That’s why I was worried about the affects of this ..oh sounds awful about your dreams ,I hope someday soon ,we can just get over this never ending trail of emotions.Endometriosis has a lot to answer too.

Thanks Sarah .best wishes xx

Sarah858 profile image

Yes I agree .. practise breathing in through your nose and out thru your mouth slowly until you feel calm this will help your anxieties.

Best of luck for today xx

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