After keeping symptom/food diary’s for over a year I’ve noticed that dairy can be a trigger. Has anyone else noticed anything that sents off an endo flare up? Also I don’t touch alcohol either as it was also a trigger
Flare up triggers?? Dairy: After keeping... - Endometriosis UK
Flare up triggers?? Dairy

Yes most definitely. For me it's also gluten, caffeine, sugar and grains. Have had to stop them all. Periods seem to be getting better pain wise. But definitely noticed a difference when I gave all those foods up.
Hope you find relief. It's a terrible condition to have and maintain
If you suspect dairy then it’s worth digging a little deeper. I found doing a lactose withdrawal challenge for 48 hrs gave me the answer. Details courtesy Dr Google. Some folk it’s the lactose rather than dairy and that makes a difference and less to remove from the diet. (Full blown blood sample tests can be helpful for me that’s egg but gluten etc is dandy) .
Apparently apart from age and actual innate lactose intolerance it can be brought about by a klebiesella infection ( uti /pneumonia bug ) changing the cells ability to tolerate it. Frequent UTI’s and issues with urinary incontinance are a hallmark and it often gets missed in lab tests as it’s not a standard bug to check. Endo sufferers seem to have a higher prevalence of Klebiesella it seems. Post infection clearing up that doesn’t seem to resolve either.
The other question is while intolerance can cause inflammation in the gut it can be that the intolerance is instead set off by the inflammation leading on to leaky gut and reactions. Either way gut healing is essential as just withdrawing foods doesn’t long term really get to the nub of the issue. Sorting out whether it’s an actual intolerance or a reaction can be initially difficult. Long term food restrictions can be a nutritional problem as well as fuelling eating disorders on the flip side. Guess it’s separating out the whats just noise from the cause. I found Heal Endo by Kate Edmonds a helpful book with tackling endo and it’s nutritional challenges.
Lactose, I have been lactose free for a couple of years now and that has helped a lot with symptoms. Alcohol, red meat, stress also not good.. x
For me it's the caisin (protein) that's the issue. Modern dairy herds have an A1 type protein which can be harder to digest and inflammatory. Goat, sheep and buffalo milk contain A2 type protein and I can eat without a problem. It might be worth experimenting further to see if they flare you up. If they don't then great. If they do it's probably lactose you are reacting to so you have a few cheeses options such as lactose free or aged hard cheeses where the lactose has been destroyed due to the manufacturing process.I also have cut out caffeine and gluten. I have to watch my sugar intake and I rarely drink but wine based stuff is a problem but I'll tolerate an occasional gin & Tonic or whiskey.
It's good to keep track of everything in a food diary.