Hi lovely people!
Just wandering if any one else has had the following issues (other then the usual pain) with their endo?
- dehyrdation 1 week until period starts
- brain fog, forgetfulnesss and concentration difficulties certain times of the month
- ovulation pain
- painful bowel movements
- pain during sex certain times of teh month
- pain in rectal passage when I sit down
- fainting
- severe anxiety
- depression episodes / mood swings
- chronic fatigue
- dizziness
- Bloating and flatulence around period
Is this all endo, or something else ? Any diets that people recommend to help with inflamation? I've found cutting out refined sugar, dairy, caffiene, alcohol and gluten helps. but not sure if theres certain veg or meat I should or shouldnt be eating?
any help or advice or experience welcome