I'm mid 40s and for the past 6-9 months I've been having bowel/abdo issues - including constipation and then urgency. I also have constant abdo pain, predominately in my left hand side that gets much just before and during my period. This month I feel like I'm in some kind of flare as the pain is not subsiding. Shooting pains on my left hand side that radiate to my back and my whole abdo area feels like it us on fire 🥺
Scans, fit test and ca125 for cancer all negative. I have been referred to gynae as this is what my gp believes I have.
I am so low being in pain all the time and stuck as paracetamol barely touches the pain but codeine type meds make me constipated, exarcerbating the bowel issues. I'm getting some relief from hot water bottles. I had a mirena fitted a few months ago to see if that would help.
Does this sound like endo? I've had children in my 20s.
Thank you for getting this far. I just want my life back 😪