Hi everyone, this is my first time posting on here, and I hope that this is ok to share. Buckle up, it’s quite a long post.
I had a laparoscopy that I paid for privately back in 2016. That diagnosed Endometriosis and Interstitial Cystitis, and recovery from the surgery actually felt very manageable. It helped with pain for the few years following, there was no issue after the operation, and everything seemed quite “easy”, as surgery goes. Endo was removed from my bowel, ovaries, pouch of Douglas, bladder and abdomen wall.Fast forward to now. Pain over the last 18-months has got gradually worse, to the point that I’ve barely been able to stand up straight for the last 8-weeks, and was struggling to even sit at my desk at home to work.
I was on the NHS waiting list, and by some lucky fluke, was called and given a date for laparoscopy surgery of 27th August, as someone else had cancelled. I was thrilled. I thought this would be a fix, at least for a couple of years, whilst I figured out a longer term treatment course (the pill/coil etc hadn’t worked for me previously).The surgery was on Sunday 28th August, I came out of theatre at 3:15pm, was told that my uterus had fused to my back abdomen wall with Endo, and that they’d removed it, and were really happy with everything they’d managed to clear out. Again, I was thrilled. They discharged me 2-hours later, which felt very quick, and told me to call my GP to get some Tramadol to help with the recovery pain, (I’m allergic to codeine, and that’s all they could prescribe).
The pain has been getting gradually worse over this week - pain in the incision site in my belly button, pain to stand and walk, pain to wee; but I kept telling myself it’s just healing and it would be fine. The bruising is also horrific, I had nothing like this before. Yesterday, I ended up having to go to A&E, because thick liquid was dripping out of my bellybutton incision, I couldn’t stand up straight, and it smelt extremely unpleasant. I couldn’t even stand my clothing touching my skin over the top of my skin, that’s how sore it felt. After 4-hours in A&E and being seen by a Gynae; they prescribed me Flucloxacillin for 7-days, said I had a raging infection, and sent me on my way.
I’ve spent the whole night, wide awake, in agony. Every time I move, my bellybutton leaks, the pain is excruciating, and trying to go for a wee feels like someone is jabbing a knife in my bladder. I’ve never been in pain like this in my life, and I feel completely abandoned as far as care is concerned.Has anyone ever suffered with a post-op infection like this, and did it get better after a few more days of antibiotics? At the moment, I feel completely alone, and am regretting ever having this surgery done. I never thought I would say that, because I didn’t think I could top the pain I was in before I had it done, but this current pain is on a whole new level.
Sorry for the long and very negative post, but I don’t know where else to turn at this point.