Microgynon 30 for stopping periods? - Endometriosis UK

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Microgynon 30 for stopping periods?

Ishallwearmidnight profile image

I recently had a referral to query endometriosis. I've always had pretty bad cramps with my period, resulting in fainting, vomiting or both. Since my teens I managed it with ibrupofen, which doesn't completely stop the cramps but was at least allowing me to be functional and not faint etc. I also have IBS which gets worse around the time of my period.

I'm in my mid 40s and in the last 18 months or so, I've had more frequent periods with 14 days, 10 days and on a few occasions now only 6 days inbetween - if anything heavier than normal and just as bad in terms of cramps etc. I've also noticed more bloating and cramping for longer before my period starts and that the ibrupofen is becoming less effective as sometimes it doesn't seem to reduce the pain at all.

Anyhow, thats what prompted the referral - I was thinking I might be starting perimenopause, and initially had asked my GP for treatment for that, but the HRT they suggested would still have given me a monthly period and the more I thought about it the more sensible it seemed to just take something to stop my periods alltogether.

So following the gynae referral and an ultrasound that indicated a possible adhesion but nothing definite, I was offered either the combined pill or mirena coil to try in the first instance. I went for the combined pill (microgynon 30) which was prescribed for me to take back-to-back for four months.

There was no information specific to taking it for endometriosis on the package leaflet, so I took it on the first day of my next period, which was what the general instructions said to do.

The odd thing is that my period is now taking longer to finish, still hasn't completely stopped (day 7 and counting) and I'm still getting cramps. I'm also struggling to find any information specific to use of the combined pill for endometriosis and/or for period suppression.

Does anyone have any similar experiences? If so did you get a longer period in the first instance and if yes did your periods eventually stop (I'm hoping it is just maybe taking time to adjust to my cycle or something)?

If anyone has come across more specific links about the combined pill or better yet use of microgynon 30 in endometriosis treatment, taking it back-to-back etc, that you could share that would be helpful too.

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Ishallwearmidnight profile image
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7 Replies
claudia_91 profile image
claudia_91ModeratorEndometriosis UK

Hello lshallwearmidnight

It's lovely to hear from you. And what a relief that you've finally received a referral to explore the possibility of endometriosis. It sounds like you've been going through a really tough time with your periods, for a long long while. That's something many of us can relate to in this community.

It's great that you've been prescribed the combined pill to ease your symptoms. Please note that contraceptive pills do not treat endometriosis, but they can help to reduce cramping pain and bleeding. Sorry it hasn't helped you with the bleeding so far. From my own experience, I can say that it can take a while for things to settle with any pill, and it took my body up to a year to get used to the mini pill.

It's best to keep in touch with your GP or gynae in terms of your symptoms, as they will be able to advise whether the pill is helping to alleviate your symptoms or not. Different medications and treatments work for different people, sometimes it is trial and error, as annoying as it is!

I hope things settle for you soon 💛

Take care,


Ishallwearmidnight profile image
Ishallwearmidnight in reply to claudia_91

Thanks, I guess I need to be a bit patient to give it time to adjust to my body as well...

Rubybasset profile image


I took the combined pill for several years to manage my symptoms, including microgynon at one point but then ended up on whichever one the system told them was cheapest! I started off tricycling, so running 3 packs together and then taking the 7 day break, which was fine but didn’t manage the symptoms, it just minimised the number of periods I had. I then moved onto a new regime where I took it continuously, and then when I had 2 days of breakthrough bleeding I would stop for 4 days before taking it continuously again - I don’t know if there is a name for taking it like this but there was a leaflet so it is a definite thing. Again, didn’t stop the symptoms but reduced the number of periods. I’m 44 now and was told by a nurse a couple of years ago that I would have to stop taking the combined pill by 45 because of the increased risk of blood clots. She may have been trying to manipulate me into having the coil as they are very keen on that where I am and it was the only alternative offered. This caused me a bit of anxiety as I really don’t want the coil, so I later discussed it with a doctor who said I would be ok on the combined pill until 50 because of my history - non smoker etc.

That has all changed now, as I got blood clots in my lung following covid at new year (still don’t know if that was the cause), so I can’t take the combined pill any more. I discussed managing the endo with my doctor and said I didn’t want the coil so she put me on the progesterone only pill (I’m on desogestrel) and we decided to see what would happen. I’m getting on really well with it and a bit cross that the obsession with the coil seems to mean that it wasn’t presented as an option before. There are no breaks, so you take it continuously. The first period was horrific, partly due to the anticoagulants I’m on for the clots - lasted 3 weeks, extremely heavy - but I had no pain and no yo-yoing from diarrhoea to constipation and back again. Second was a couple of months later and just 10 days of spotting, again no pain etc. I think I’m on my third now but have just had a little spotting again. The only really noticeable side effect I have had is that my skin has got extremely oily so I’ve been a bit spotty but even that is settling now I’ve worked out what products to use.

Obviously different people react differently to different treatments but it might be worth raising with your gp as an option to consider. I wonder if they get bonus payments for the coil, or perhaps they are prompted to offer it first as the cheapest option but it isn’t something that I would be comfortable with so I’m really happy that I was offered this as an option. I did have a laser lap to remove endo around 10 years ago, which cut my symptoms for a while, but they were gradually getting worse again so it has probably returned. I know the pill won’t prevent or remove it but I’m happy to be on something that stops the pain and allows me to get on with my life with minimal disruption. I have also read some accounts where double dosing with the progesterone only pill has been given as an option if the periods don’t stop so it is definitely worth some research and a discussion with your doctor.

Good luck, I hope you get something sorted.

Ishallwearmidnight profile image
Ishallwearmidnight in reply to Rubybasset

I'm in a similar situation to you as regards the coil - I don't want it either, but it was the first thing that was offered both at a sexual health clinic, my GPs and the gynae consultant. I'm also a non-smoker and otherwise in good health etc. so I think that's why the gynae consultant was happy to offer the combined pill to me as an alternative, even though I'm already 45.

That raises other questions though as I'm not sure how all this works with the menopause, hormone defficiencies etc... I had been hoping that the menopause would sort it all out without me having to do anything, but that idea was scuppered when my periods became more frequent instead of less. I read that it can take up to 10 years to go from perimenopause to menopause.

Can I ask do you get symptoms between periods? I've also got IBS and so it is kind of difficult to tell which abdominal pains are linked to what sometimes. What I'm hoping is that stopping my periods would also stop the pain that I get the few days before and during.

I only realised after the gynae consultation that I had no way of contacting them inbetween appointments (and my next one isn't for another 4 months) so I guess I will have to talk to my GP... just hope they are sufficiently knowledgeable about the other options as I'm not always convinced that's the case...

Rubybasset profile image
Rubybasset in reply to Ishallwearmidnight

I’ve hoped for an early menopause just to get it over with too but I’m not sure how I would tell without the periods! I’m lucky as I’ve never had symptoms I would link to the endo between periods, it has always been during. I know that I had a lot around my bowels for my laser lap and I was quite ill for a year or so afterwards with what they eventually decided was possible endo in the bowel as well but the basic response was that I’d had the laser surgery so there was nothing else they could do. I did ask if endo would affect bowel movements etc but they just said they didn’t know enough about how it all worked - hopefully they’ve moved on a bit now. Stopping the periods is what works for me, I think the endo has come back due to the gradual worsening of symptoms but stopping my periods stops the pain and the gut problems. I have had zoladex and depo injections as well as the pill at various stages and if I don’t have a period I don’t have pain or the constipation/diarrhoea combination.

It is annoying that they make it so difficult to make contact or ask questions - you could ask your GP practice if there is anyone who specialises in gynae stuff or endo as usually the GPs have their own areas of interest. It obviously won’t be the same as a gynae consultant but at least they will have a bit of extra knowledge. From reading things on here it seems that what works for one person doesn’t necessarily work for someone else and unfortunately the only way to find out if it works for you is to try it and see what happens, which isn’t very helpful when you’re trying to make a decision!

Ishallwearmidnight profile image
Ishallwearmidnight in reply to Rubybasset

That's helpful to know. I think in my case there is also some interaction with my bowel problems - my IBS started before puberty (probably post-infectious as I had some bad stomach bugs when visiting family in North Africa as a kid) but as soon as I had my first period it synched with my cycle, so I get constipated in the few days leading up to the start of my period and then I get diarrhoea during. My haemmharoids also seem to get swollen and bleed in the few days leading up to and during my period - it makes me wonder if there isn't some endometrial tissue attached to them or something. What seems to be happening at the moment is that the pill is prolonging some of the symptoms I usually get with my period, so my haemmharoids and gut are still in 'period mode' even though my period has mostly stopped and it is just some brown spotting now. I've made an appointment with my GP, hope they will be able to help me figure out if I need to keep trying this for a bit longer to give my body time to adjust or if I should switch to another option.

Rubybasset profile image
Rubybasset in reply to Ishallwearmidnight

Hope it works out for you, it’s so frustrating when everything you try to get better causes new problems.

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