I’m currently waiting on a diagnostic laparoscopy but as you can imagine the waiting list is long. I’m on the progesterone only pill but I don’t feel like it helps as my gynaecologist keeps suggesting it does.
I have constant pain in my left side, pelvis and hip on bad days it goes into my left leg. I have zero sex drive, it’s painful to even have sex. (My poor partner) the sharp breathtaking pains come quite often. I have bloating and cramps all across my stomach. The other day my back went and I couldn’t bend down.
I had an ultrasound last week which then needed to be an internal one as they couldn’t see my right ovary and when it was over I needed help getting off the bed as my pain was bad.
I’ve been prescribed naproxen but they don’t touch the pain and to be honest I really don’t want to constantly be taking pain meds.
Recently I’ve notice my mood just be in a permanent low or irritated state. I don’t really want to be around people, I get stressed out easily and I just feel like I’m not a nice person to be around. The doctor I spoke to asked if the pain is causing me to feel depressed and low and honestly I think it is and I just don’t know what to do to help get my mind back to the happy go lucky person.
Is anyone else feeling like this with the pain? Or is it the pill mixed in too?
Any advice would be great fully appreciated