I have been suffering with side pain following my periods for 2 months now my ca125 level is 109 I am concerned that if they find a cyst they will want to remove it for testing due to my raised levels , can anyone advise on this please ! It was suggested I had endo a few years ago but nothing perused or diagnosed !
Worrying over Gyno app tomorrow - Endometriosis UK
Worrying over Gyno app tomorrow

Hi Sammyjam
Really hope your appointment goes well tomorrow, I always feel nervous before seeing the gynae too. Hopefully the consultant will be able to provide some reassurance tomorrow and perhaps refer you for a scan to check if there is a cyst. If there is a cyst, it doesn't necessarily mean it will need to be removed.
If you think endo is possible, Endometriosis UK have a guide for 'getting diagnosed' which you can read here: endometriosis-uk.org/sites/...
This might help you to prepare for the appointment.
However, I would suggest doing something to relax and distract yourself this evening 😊 Maybe run a bath or put your favourite tv show on? Sending positive vibes for tomorrow. Remember the community is here to support you 💛
Take care,
Thanku for your reply I am on meds through worrying over this ! I have a scan on Sunday but u know what it’s like your mind runs away with its self ! I suppose I was hoping that the ultrasound will give me some answers but now I’m worrying about further possible stress of the unknown! It seems my pain comes with my period and disappears within 10 days of stopping but then returns when I come on again , like I say it was suspected that I had endo when I had a cyst before but nothing done and my cyst went away , levels were normal so wasn’t half as worried .
Totally understand, it's so worrying when you are in pain and you don't know what is going on with your body. It's completely natural to be feeling uncertain or anxious when you're having scans and appointments and are awaiting the results. Please be kind to yourself 💛 From your cyclical symptoms, it definitely sounds like it would be worth reading the 'getting diagnosed' guide before tomorrow. Remember that endo can only be diagnosed through laparoscopic surgery. Sometimes a scan doesn't show any endo, but that doesn't mean that there isn't any endo there. I had an ultrasound 1 month before my diagnostic laparoscopy, and no endo was found in the scan. However, during the surgery endo was found on 8+ areas of my pelvis/abdomen.
So keep advocating for yourself if you feel that something isn't right. Being in pain is not normal! Seek a second opinion if you need to. Now, put the telly or on some relaxing music 😊 Deep breaths!
You need to take time to heal - may have had what the gynae was checking.
Once things calm down - You will be better placed and know- the result.
Gentle exercise,