I have my gyno appointment next week and im so nervous, I've been struggling with many different symptoms which I think are all endo related, all i want is the lap, i just need to know! I can't bare the pain and discomfort without knowing what it is. Any advice for my gyno appointment?
Gyno appointment : I have my gyno... - Endometriosis UK
Gyno appointment

Write everything down so that when you're in there you don't forget anything (symptoms, any medication etc). It might be an idea to take someone that you trust with you who can advocate on your behalf if you feel unable to do so. I've had some really dismissive doctors so I've had to be really pushy to get what I need rather than what they want to give me. If you haven't tried the Morena coil they may insist that you try that first if you haven't tried any other birth control.
Be armed with information about endometriosis and the treatments available so you can steer the appointment rather than the doctor. Stupidly, I found the more 'professionally' I dressed the doctor's took me more seriously!!!!
I hope you get an understanding doctor. Be strong xx
Hi Willow16
As Tooney says, it is a good idea to be armed with as much information as possible.
You may find the following information sheet useful as it has a section on preparing for your appointment with your consultant.
Here is a template for pain and symptoms diary. This can be useful for you to refer to if the consultant is asking you questions and you can't remember:
There is also one on treatments:
I hope this helps and that your appointment goes well. Please do let us know how you get on after.
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Hey, they may not offer a lap straight away as they do try hormone treatments and painkillers first if you haven’t already. A lap tends to be last resort.
Go to the appointment with a list of your symptoms and any questions you have. And treatments you have tried
It took me 7 different gynaes and £214 private consultation in order to get my lap which was 2 weeks ago. Xx
Thank you, i know i want the lap but there might be other treatments to try first, how long did it take from your first gyno appointment to your lap?
Thank you, I've been on the pill for over 6 years with over 4 different types but I've never tried the coil and i dont know much about it, recently I've been on codine and mefenamic acid for the pain, I've had an ultrasound but nothing was found. Did you ever try the coil?
Hi, hope all is well with you. I was just wondering what the outcome from your appointment was, and how are you getting on with treatment now? I am in the same position as you were 6 months ago and hoping they don't try me with a coil as had one before and caused lots of pain!
Hello, so they only found a cyst on my overy they drained and removed it but I'm not convinced it caused all my issues for the last 8 years, although I'm glad they found something I'm not convinced it's everything. I got the coil fitted too and I was in agony after they had to keep me in hospital it was so bad I couldn't even walk I was throwing up it was awful. 3 weeks on and I'm in less pain but still have awful cramps haven't stopped bleeding, also my skin had exploded with acne.. I'm now very anxious about the coil and the pain and if my skin will settle. I'm not doing so great mentally. How did yours go?
That sounds so awful, so sorry you're having to go through that. What are your next steps from here then? As awful as your story is, it's really helpful to hear of other people going through similar as I've been feeling like no one understands recently!
I am still awaiting my first gynaecology appointment, however the doctor has previously found cysts on my ovaries from ultrasounds and diagnosed me with PCOS. I'm wondering now though, from reading posts on here, whether these cysts may actually be from the endometriosis... I'm not sure how they differentiate?
Fingers crossed for you that your pain subsides and you feel better soon... It's so draining I'm not surprised it's affecting you mentally