Hey guys! Hope everyone is well!
Since suffering with suspected endometriosis! There’s a few things I wanna talk and ask about!
I’ve noticed for the past year my moods has been so unstable my moods can change very very quickly and then I can be okay some days I wouldn’t have any motivation and other days I can be okay! I can be extremely depressed or i can be energised! Has anyone else experienced this?
I want to speak to my doctors about it and see if they can put me on mood stabilisers until my surgery would this be any good for me? I know it could be hormonal but I’m down 90% of the time… I’ve tried anti depressants but made me worse! I’m not on any contraception for the past year either!
Second one is how is everyone managing their pain? Codamals and tramadol don’t seem to work for me I’m running out of ideas.. hot water bottles, heat packs, resting etc etc etc… nothing seems to help with the pains mainly groin, leg and stomach with the hips!
Did yoga or meditation help at all? I feel like I’m fighting myself to work full time to be able to live but I’m suffering so much with pain! I’ve been put on a cancellation list but my actual surgery won’t be until after Christmas new year some time! Any tips ticks and ideas would be amazing thank you! X