Early pregnancy severe pain: Hi all, I’ve... - Endometriosis UK

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Early pregnancy severe pain

honeyhills profile image
14 Replies

Hi all, I’ve had a lot going on recently and mostly looking for reassurance!

TW: miscarriage

I’m currently 6weeks3days pregnant (unexpectedly) and I’ve had horrendous pain since week 3.

I’m currently an outpatient at my early pregnancy unit as they’ve been measuring my (very low) HCG levels and ultrasound scans as I’m currently a “pregnancy of unknown location”. They can see “something” in the uterus, but it doesn’t have a heartbeat (which it should be week 6). I’m going for another scan on Wednesday to discuss next steps.

Overall, I’ve been told it’s not likely to be a viable pregnancy due to its lack of growth and im just so heartbroken really. Despite it being unplanned, I’ve had all the pregnancy symptoms and I’m even starting to show now.

I can’t help but feel anxiety about my future ability to get pregnant due to endo and how this will affect my mental state.

Any advice on how to cope would be greatly appreciated!

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honeyhills profile image
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14 Replies
Vps1980 profile image

God bless you, sending massive gentle hugs xx

honeyhills profile image
honeyhills in reply to Vps1980

Thank you ❤️

Eternalwarrior profile image

I am so sorry to hear what you are going through xxx I suffer from severe endometriosis and adenomyosis and have had 5 miscarriages. I,like you, had a scan at 6 weeks and the sac was measuring small and there was no heartbeat but they did a scan a week later and there was a heartbeat! I am currently 19 weeks pregnant. I suffered from severe pain until week 14 or so and although I am feeling better now the pain hasn't gone and some days are better than others, but I feel very very lucky to have got this far after so many years of heartache. I hope this can give you some hope.If you have any questions or need to talk to someone please PM me.

Sending you positive vibes and hugs xxx

honeyhills profile image
honeyhills in reply to Eternalwarrior

Thank you so much for your response and congratulations for getting to 19 weeks now! That definitely gives me hope! So frustrating having to wait to find anything out. Hopefully my pain lessens when I’m less stressed! X

Meworange profile image
Meworange in reply to Eternalwarrior

Hello I have endo and adenomyosis aswel and gives me lot of hope that you could conceive naturally with them! As I'm trying for 2 years now and had surgery few months ago

Eternalwarrior profile image
Eternalwarrior in reply to Meworange

I conceived naturally the first 5 times but this last time it was IVF, as I had just had excision surgery for endometriosis and didn't want to leave it too long because my endometriosis was too bad and I will probably need another surgery at some point... I was on decapeptyl for 3 months and then zoladex and that improved my adenomyosis considerably. I am not a doctor but I have heard the best time to conceive is 6 months to a year after excision surgery. It is a very hard journey but there is hope! Please let me know if I can help with anything. Sending lots of baby dust your way ! xx

Meworange profile image
Meworange in reply to Eternalwarrior

So did u get pregnant naturally 5 times after surgery do u think surgery made a difference? X

Eternalwarrior profile image
Eternalwarrior in reply to Meworange

Mine is a very long story... I have had different surgeries. I conceived naturally twice after my previous surgery (which was a surgical hysteroscopy - I also had a T-shaped uterus) but I kept miscarrying again. That is why we decided to do IVF with PGT-A normal embryos, which we did a few months after my excision surgery. Surgery really worked for me, as my endometriosis was too bad and causing high levels of inflammation. I had it everywhere, even in my bladder and urether... I couldn't live in such constant severe pain. They did an MRI and also thought I had a complex hydrosalpinx (my last pregnancy prior to my last surgery was a 'pregnancy of unknown location') so they had to clear that, which ended up being something else -they think it was a ruptured endometrioma!The endometriosis specialist said we would have a very high chance of conceiving naturally after the excision surgery, but we just couldn't cope with the thought of another miscarriage (we also lost a baby at 17+5 weeks) and that is why we decided to go through IVF with PGT-A embryos. It was our choice. All I want to say is that this journey is very hard and it has been a rollercoaster for us but we never gave up and kept going! Sorry for the long post, but to answer your question, yes, I am sure surgery made a difference ☺️ X

LornaP profile image

Hey, I couldn't read and leave without offering you love & prayers.I have endometriosis and there's every chance that your uterus is stretching as much as needed for growth. The can't see endometriosis on an ultrasound so they have no idea what is in there apart from a sac. With having endo you can easily have ovulate later than the 'normal' so the pregnancy less further than you think, hence - hcg would be lower.

This has happened to me and was a successful pregnancy and a friend heartbreakingly didn't get her dream. I've also had 2 m/c at 6 weeks.

But miracles can happen. I have 4 amazing children that were conceived easily tbh - I didn't even know I had endo until I had our 4th child by c/s.

Also with my 2nd daughter, I would bleed

like I was bleeding at least once a week, due to placenta preavia - was booked for c/s because it would never move and at a double check scan at 36 weeks it had moved and I delivered her in 32 minutes.

Our son was conceived through a broken condom, morning after pill (our youngest was 3 months) and I found out about my thyroid and my tsh was in its 80's - was told my period hadn't arrived because I was infertile (due to tsh) - negative tests until I was 10 weeks, then at 12 weeks another huge bleed, emergency scan to be told by the scanner that he had no idea how my son was there alive and well with my uterus full of fibroids.

I don't want to get your hopes up completely but there's some hope.

My love & prayers with you. X

Meworange profile image
Meworange in reply to LornaP

This is so lovely thank u for sharing your experience gives hopes I have endo stage 4 and had a surgery few months ago am trying for a baby, we been trying for nearly 2 years now so hoping for some miracle

honeyhills profile image
honeyhills in reply to LornaP

Thank you so much for your lovely response. Regardless of what happens, it’s reassuring to know others have had similar and been successful as that gives me hope for the future of this pregnancy doesn’t work out. X

LornaP profile image

Bless you, I can't imagine how hard this must be for you both, my brother and sister in law tried for a baby for 6 years (no fertility issues). They had 5 rounds of IVF and finally my niece was born, then in the next 4 years they had another girl & boy naturally. So please never give up hope. I truly believe sometimes it becomes such a stressful time that our bodies reject what we long for.I've been told having sex every other day & enjoying yourselves with it, helps your chances. Acupuncture and reflexology can help our bodies in so many ways too - have you tried anything like this?

Lastly, do you mind if I pray for you?

Take Care & believe xx

honeyhills profile image

after another ultrasound today, it appears only a gestational sac is growing and still no heart beat at 7 weeks.

Dr said we need to do something now, so headed in for a “procedure” tomorrow morning to have all tissue in my uterus taken out.

Will have follow up bloods taken to check HCG levels and if they’re still up it’s likely the pregnancy that’s causing me to have symptoms is ectopic and the sac in my uterus is a pseudo sac.

EndoJaz profile image

Sending u love, xx

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