I know that I have fallen pregnant. I have mild adenomyosis. Last week I had an implantation bleeding a few days before my period was supposed to start, my breasts feel really full and I am tired all of a sudden and want to sleep when normally I have energy through out the day. I get headaches mid afternoon when my blood sugar drops and I haven’t had it before. I have taken two pregnancy tests and both say negative but I have all the signs of early pregnancy. Anyone had any experience with early pregnancy with endo or adeno? Maybe I’ll test again in a week
Anyone had experience with adenomyosis an... - Endometriosis UK
Anyone had experience with adenomyosis and early pregnancy

You must confirm the pregnancy first it’s so easy to think you have symptoms of pregnancy and not be I have been doing this to myself all week convincing myself im pregnant but I know at end of week it’s likely that I’m not and it’s mind games when is your period due? only take a test if your period is late for confirmation further to your post their is a lady on here 21 week pregnant with adeynomosis
My period was due 3rd May, that was Sunday. I always say no I’m not pregnant because I never have any signs and even the slightest one for me isn’t strong enough but this time I have everything it’s really strange but I guess I just have to wait another week to do another test.
Do you know her username, it would be so helpful to talk to her
When did you test?it should show up positive by now could you nip out today and get a test x
This morning but I think because of my adeno it’s not showing just yet
I have a pack of ten I’m ready 😂
I’m kind of think I’m going through this at the moment. I don’t know if it’s all in my head though. I had surgery in February and consultant told me I can start trying as soon as I feel ready he managed to get rid of all my endo but I do have one partially blocked tube. My periods have been regular since surgery and are light. I was meant to start my period yesterday but since Tuesday I’ve been getting spotting TTI ( brown or very pale pink discharge) only really when I wipe I have been having mild cramping like I’m due on and my boobs feel heavy and achy and back ache which I get sometimes when I’m due on. I did a test yesterday afternoon but come back negative. I can’t tell I’m over thinking this because I want to be pregnant but can’t tell if it’s something to do with my surgery or just endo. It’s just weird as I’ve never had spotting before I usual just come on straight away. It’s very confusing I’m sure you feel like your head is overthinking too just like me xx
I never had spotting but it had it now, just wait another week to do the test because if your periods have been regular since surgery and this one is different it can only be different if you have been extremely tired and stressed or from travelling or pregnant. Maybe tell yourself that you will wait until next week and test then and if you’re pregnant then great and if not then you will try again next month
It’s all I can do to stay sane xx
Update us let us know x