I had a laparoscopy in September to diagnose endometriosis, after trying to conceive for 2 & 1/2 yrs. the results were that it's moderate to sever and is fused to my bowel and has damaged my left tube. I saw my consultant on Friday and she has said that it would be beneficial to have the surgery to remove this as It may give me a better chance of conceiving. I'm really nervous of going for the surgery as I dnt want to end up with a colostomy bag really due to any damage that may be caused during surgery. Has anyone had surgery of this type and can tell me how theirs went? Thanks x
Moderate to severe endometriosis attached... - Endometriosis UK
Moderate to severe endometriosis attached to bowel

Hi Meggy I haven't had this done yet but due to have op in March . Having hysterectomy (due to adenomyosis) ovary removal, excision and possible bowel resection. So facing the same prospect. The chances of needing a bag are small, but a lot depends on the skill of the surgeon. I will be having a bowel surgeon there as well as my endo specialist. I hope everything goes well for you. Keep us up dated.
My consultant said she would support my decision if I decided to go ahead with this surgery. She has referred me for if treatment but thinks I could suffer pain if I was to concieve due to the location of the endo. She will see me again in 3 months and would like my decision. I am so unsure about what to do as I just want to concieve but also have a pain free and uncomplicated pregnancy. I guess I need to really find out from her how complicated the whole procedure could be. She did say there would be a surgeon with her aswell if I did have it done. Good luck for march. I wish you a speedy recovery and thank you for replying
Thank you very much I have looked and found a hospital in Wales which has an endometriosis centre. If I would like to be referred there would you say I need to go back to my gp and ask for a referral? I really appreciate your response thank you
As it impacts your bowl a colorectal surgeon will be attending. I believe this is standard for these cases. I had a similar op- my tubes were fused to my bowel, and it was a success. I was really worried about bowel perforation and having to wear a colostomy bag but the risk is very low. Take your time to find a good surgeon, BSGE centres must perform at least 3/4 surgeries like this a year to maintain their status.
Good luck!
Definetly ask for a referral to a BSGE centre. It is a tricky procedure and you need an experienced team.
How do you advise I go about this? Through my gp or gyne? Thank you for any advice you can give x