Last week I had an awful flare up of pain, I tried to manage on cocodamol but just not the case this time, I have morphine but I only take when it's extreme pain. I had woken up not slept much because of pain and for some reason I can't lie on my stomach because I'm so sore, I got up, got the kids ready and off to school, during the day I felt so zoned out, and I went to pick up a package on my lunch break and I was so confused I couldn't understand what people were saying to me and I couldn't find my way out of a shop I had been in many times before. It took a while but I came around got in my car got back to work, took morphine and was ok once the medication kicked in. So I know this was pain related. Does anyone else have these out of body experiences? X
Pain and confusion : Last week I had an... - Endometriosis UK
Pain and confusion

That sounds awful and really scary for you! I’ve never experienced anything like that, I just get what I think is ‘brain fog’ where I can’t think straight, it takes a mammoth effort to get my brain to do anything useful like tidy the house or write an email. I remember after we moved house a few months ago trying to unpack and just staring at this box of things and my brain could not work out where to put any of them! Usually my brain works at a million miles an hour so it’s quite strange!I do also get not being able to lay on my front because it’s too tender.
It's awful isn't it. I get the brain fog too! It nice to know we're not alone. It's terrible, I'm the same, on top of everything and then slowly I'm losing the plot. I spoke to my Dr and he said it was a disassociative episode used as the body's way to block pain when it's had enough, I find it so scary! And the not lying on the belly, it's frustrating lol I sleep in recovery position normally, but even if I roll into that position in my sleep I'm awake and struggle to get back to sleep. It helps having a good support system set up too I think 😊
Oh that is interesting but also must be horrible to experience! I had always wondered what causes the brain fog thing,but I’m guessing maybe just a much more toned down version of what you experienced. Anything that forces you to sleep in an unfamiliar position is a pain, but even more so when you’re feeling rubbish and want the comfort even more!
I think the brain fog must be, I do wish waking up that day I wasn't so stubborn and took the morphine to manage the pain and I may not have even gone into that kind of state. If your ever worried about it, you could see your GP, I know that things like chronic fatigue can cause brain fog too and that is no fun, and suffering the way we do, its no suprise we lose sleep. I know I rarely get good night sleeps anymore 😳 xx
It’s hard though because you know taking stronger medication will affect you too! Im still only on naproxen and paracetamol, can’t take codeine because I’m breastfeeding and most of the time naproxen takes the edge off enough to function! I have given up with the GP now, it’s too draining to have the constant cycle of getting my hopes up that they’ll actually listen properly and do something only to be let down again. It was having such an impact on my mental health I’ve decided I’ll just continue to wait for the gynaecology referral and put up with it all! The not knowing anything I think is one of the hardest parts.
I'm sorry your having such a bad experience, like looking after a baby and breast feeding isn't exhausting enough. Your so strong! I understand how you feel, for years and years I just thought I'm not bothering and sometimes I can't help but think if someone listened then would I be in this pain now. Do what you have to do to look after you in the meantime. I have been referred to a chronic pain group, I'm waiting for my dates, but it offers ways to help mental health and manage pain, and because of COVID it's all online. I wonder would your local mental health service offer something like that? Xx
Oh thank you, I really appreciate that. I spend a lot of time thinking how badly I’m doing and that I should be able to keep up with more and complain less! I think maybe I should be seeking out some mental health support but again haven’t really had much luck with that in the past and it all feels such an effort! Talking with people on here who really get it has definitely helped though.
You are doing amazing! You are an amazing mom and you should be proud of what you are accomplishing. Breastfeeding is so tiring, I remember it well from both my babies, I had never felt tiredness and exhaustion like it and you are doing that and on top of that you have chronic pain that can be so debilitating! Anything you do on top of managing pain and keeping you and your baby happy is an absolute bonus! Always available for a chat if you need it ☺️ xx